pyro.compressible package#
The pyro compressible hydrodynamics solver. This implements the second-order (piecewise-linear), unsplit method of Colella 1990.
- pyro.compressible.problems package
- Submodules
- pyro.compressible.problems.acoustic_pulse module
- pyro.compressible.problems.advect module
- pyro.compressible.problems.bubble module
- pyro.compressible.problems.convection module
- pyro.compressible.problems.gresho module
- pyro.compressible.problems.heating module
- pyro.compressible.problems.hse module
- module
- pyro.compressible.problems.logo module
- pyro.compressible.problems.plume module
- pyro.compressible.problems.quad module
- pyro.compressible.problems.ramp module
- pyro.compressible.problems.rt module
- pyro.compressible.problems.rt2 module
- pyro.compressible.problems.rt_multimode module
- pyro.compressible.problems.sedov module
- pyro.compressible.problems.sod module
- pyro.compressible.problems.test module
pyro.compressible.BC module#
compressible-specific boundary conditions. Here, in particular, we implement an HSE BC in the vertical direction.
Note: the pyro BC routines operate on a single variable at a time, so some work will necessarily be repeated.
Also note: we may come in here with the aux_data (source terms), so we’ll do a special case for them
- pyro.compressible.BC.user(bc_name, bc_edge, variable, ccdata)[source]#
A hydrostatic boundary. This integrates the equation of HSE into the ghost cells to get the pressure and density under the assumption that the specific internal energy is constant.
Upon exit, the ghost cells for the input variable will be set
- Parameters:
- bc_name{‘hse’}
The descriptive name for the boundary condition – this allows for pyro to have multiple types of user-supplied boundary conditions. For this module, it needs to be ‘hse’.
- bc_edge{‘ylb’, ‘yrb’}
The boundary to update: ylb = lower y boundary; yrb = upper y boundary.
- variable{‘density’, ‘x-momentum’, ‘y-momentum’, ‘energy’}
The variable whose ghost cells we are filling
- ccdataCellCenterData2d object
The data object
pyro.compressible.derives module#
pyro.compressible.eos module#
This is a gamma-law equation of state: p = rho e (gamma - 1), where gamma is the constant ratio of specific heats.
- pyro.compressible.eos.dens(gamma, p, eint)[source]#
Given the pressure and the specific internal energy, return the density
- Parameters:
- gammafloat
The ratio of specific heats
- pfloat
The pressure
- eintfloat
The specific internal energy
- Returns:
- outfloat
The density
pyro.compressible.interface module#
- pyro.compressible.interface.artificial_viscosity(ng, dx, dy, Lx, Ly, xmin, ymin, coord_type, cvisc, u, v)[source]#
Compute the artificial viscosity. Here, we compute edge-centered approximations to the divergence of the velocity. This follows directly Colella Woodward (1984) Eq. 4.5
data locations:
j+3/2--+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | j+1 + | | | | | | | j+1/2--+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | j + X | | | | | | j-1/2--+---------+----Y----+---------+ | | | | j-1 + | | | | | | | j-3/2--+---------+---------+---------+ | | | | | | | i-1 i i+1 i-3/2 i-1/2 i+1/2 i+3/2
is the location ofavisco_x[i,j]
is the location ofavisco_y[i,j]
- Parameters:
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- dx, dyfloat
Cell spacings
- xmin, yminfloat
Min physical x, y boundary
- Lx, Ly: ndarray
Cell size in x, y direction
- cviscfloat
viscosity parameter
- u, vndarray
x- and y-velocities
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray
Artificial viscosity in the x- and y-directions
- pyro.compressible.interface.states(idir, ng, dx, dloga, dt, irho, iu, iv, ip, ix, nspec, gamma, qv, dqv)[source]#
predict the cell-centered state to the edges in one-dimension using the reconstructed, limited slopes.
We follow the convection here that
is the left state at the i-1/2 interface andV_l[i+1]
is the left state at the i+1/2 interface.We need the left and right eigenvectors and the eigenvalues for the system projected along the x-direction.
Taking our state vector as \(Q = (\rho, u, v, p)^T\), the eigenvalues are \(u - c\), \(u\), \(u + c\).
We look at the equations of hydrodynamics in a split fashion – i.e., we only consider one dimension at a time.
Considering advection in the x-direction, the Jacobian matrix for the primitive variable formulation of the Euler equations projected in the x-direction is:
/ u r 0 0 \ | 0 u 0 1/r | A = | 0 0 u 0 | \ 0 rc^2 0 u /
The right eigenvectors are:
/ 1 \ / 1 \ / 0 \ / 1 \ |-c/r | | 0 | | 0 | | c/r | r1 = | 0 | r2 = | 0 | r3 = | 1 | r4 = | 0 | \ c^2 / \ 0 / \ 0 / \ c^2 /
In particular, we see from r3 that the transverse velocity (v in this case) is simply advected at a speed u in the x-direction.
The left eigenvectors are:
l1 = ( 0, -r/(2c), 0, 1/(2c^2) ) l2 = ( 1, 0, 0, -1/c^2 ) l3 = ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ) l4 = ( 0, r/(2c), 0, 1/(2c^2) )
The fluxes are going to be defined on the left edge of the computational zones:
| | | | | | | | -+------+------+------+------+------+------+-- | i-1 | i | i+1 | ^ ^ ^ q_l,i q_r,i q_l,i+1
q_r,i and q_l,i+1 are computed using the information in zone i,j.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- dxndarray
The cell spacing
- dtfloat
The timestep
- irho, iu, iv, ip, ixint
Indices of the density, x-velocity, y-velocity, pressure and species in the state vector
- nspecint
The number of species
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- qvndarray
The primitive state vector
- dqvndarray
Spatial derivative of the state vector
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray
State vector predicted to the left and right edges
pyro.compressible.riemann module#
- pyro.compressible.riemann.consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma, idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec, U_state)[source]#
Calculate the conservative flux.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoXint
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
- nspecint
The number of species
- U_statendarray
Conserved state vector.
- Returns:
- outndarray
Conserved flux
- pyro.compressible.riemann.estimate_wave_speed(rho_l, u_l, p_l, c_l, rho_r, u_r, p_r, c_r, gamma)[source]#
- pyro.compressible.riemann.riemann_cgf(idir, ng, idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec, lower_solid, upper_solid, gamma, U_l, U_r)[source]#
Solve riemann shock tube problem for a general equation of state using the method of Colella, Glaz, and Ferguson. See Almgren et al. 2010 (the CASTRO paper) for details.
The Riemann problem for the Euler’s equation produces 4 regions, separated by the three characteristics (u - cs, u, u + cs):
u - cs t u u + cs \ ^ . / \ *L | . *R / \ | . / \ | . / L \ | . / R \ | . / \ |. / \|./ ----------+----------------> x
We care about the solution on the axis. The basic idea is to use estimates of the wave speeds to figure out which region we are in, and: use jump conditions to evaluate the state there.
Only density jumps across the u characteristic. All primitive variables jump across the other two. Special attention is needed if a rarefaction spans the axis.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- nspecint
The number of species
- idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoXint
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
- lower_solid, upper_solidint
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- U_l, U_rndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
- Returns:
- outndarray
Conserved states.
- pyro.compressible.riemann.riemann_flux(idir, U_l, U_r, my_data, rp, ivars, lower_solid, upper_solid, tc, return_cons=False)[source]#
This is the general interface that constructs the unsplit fluxes through the idir (1 for x, 2 for y) interfaces using the left and right conserved states by using the riemann solver.
- Parameters:
- U_l, U_r: ndarray, ndarray
Conserved states in the left and right interface
- my_dataCellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.
- rpRuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
- ivarsVariables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables
- lower_solid, upper_solidint
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
- tcTimerCollection object
The timers we are using to profile
- return_cons: Boolean
If we don’t use HLLC Riemann solver, do we also return conserved states?
- Returns:
- Fndarray
Fluxes in x or y direction
- Optionally:
- U: ndarray
Conserved states in x or y direction
- pyro.compressible.riemann.riemann_hllc(idir, ng, idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec, lower_solid, upper_solid, gamma, U_l, U_r)[source]#
This is the HLLC Riemann solver. The implementation follows directly out of Toro’s book. Note: this does not handle the transonic rarefaction.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- nspecint
The number of species
- idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoXint
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
- lower_solid, upper_solidint
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- U_l, U_rndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
- Returns:
- outndarray
Conserved flux
- pyro.compressible.riemann.riemann_hllc_lowspeed(idir, ng, idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec, lower_solid, upper_solid, gamma, U_l, U_r)[source]#
This is the HLLC Riemann solver based on Toro (2009) alternate formulation (Eqs. 10.43 and 10.44) and the low Mach number asymptotic fix of Minoshima & Miyoshi (2021). It is also based on the Quokka implementation.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- nspecint
The number of species
- idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoXint
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
- lower_solid, upper_solidint
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- U_l, U_rndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
- Returns:
- outndarray
Conserved flux
- pyro.compressible.riemann.riemann_prim(idir, ng, irho, iu, iv, ip, iX, nspec, lower_solid, upper_solid, gamma, q_l, q_r)[source]#
this is like riemann_cgf, except that it works on a primitive variable input state and returns the primitive variable interface state
Solve riemann shock tube problem for a general equation of state using the method of Colella, Glaz, and Ferguson. See Almgren et al. 2010 (the CASTRO paper) for details.
The Riemann problem for the Euler’s equation produces 4 regions, separated by the three characteristics \((u - cs, u, u + cs)\):
u - cs t u u + cs \ ^ . / \ *L | . *R / \ | . / \ | . / L \ | . / R \ | . / \ |. / \|./ ----------+----------------> x
We care about the solution on the axis. The basic idea is to use estimates of the wave speeds to figure out which region we are in, and: use jump conditions to evaluate the state there.
Only density jumps across the \(u\) characteristic. All primitive variables jump across the other two. Special attention is needed if a rarefaction spans the axis.
- Parameters:
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- nspecint
The number of species
- irho, iu, iv, ip, iXint
The indices of the density, x-velocity, y-velocity, pressure and species fractions in the state vector.
- lower_solid, upper_solidint
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
- gammafloat
Adiabatic index
- q_l, q_rndarray
Primitive state on the left and right cell edges.
- Returns:
- outndarray
Primitive flux
pyro.compressible.simulation module#
- class pyro.compressible.simulation.Simulation(solver_name, problem_name, problem_func, rp, *, problem_finalize_func=None, problem_source_func=None, timers=None, data_class=<class 'pyro.mesh.patch.CellCenterData2d'>)[source]#
The main simulation class for the corner transport upwind compressible hydrodynamics solver
- initialize(*, extra_vars=None, ng=4)[source]#
Initialize the grid and variables for compressible flow and set the initial conditions for the chosen problem.
- class pyro.compressible.simulation.Variables(myd)[source]#
a container class for easy access to the different compressible variable by an integer key
- pyro.compressible.simulation.cons_to_prim(U, gamma, ivars, myg)[source]#
convert an input vector of conserved variables to primitive variables
- pyro.compressible.simulation.get_external_sources(t, dt, U, ivars, rp, myg, *, U_old=None, problem_source=None)[source]#
compute the external sources, including gravity
pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes module#
Implementation of the Colella 2nd order unsplit Godunov scheme. This is a 2-dimensional implementation only. We assume that the grid is uniform, but it is relatively straightforward to relax this assumption.
There are several different options for this solver (they are all discussed in the Colella paper).
limiter: 0 = no limiting; 1 = 2nd order MC limiter; 2 = 4th order MC limiter
riemann: HLLC or CGF (for Colella, Glaz, and Freguson solver)
use_flattening: set to 1 to use the multidimensional flattening at shocks
delta, z0, z1: flattening parameters (we use Colella 1990 defaults)
The grid indices look like
| | | |
j+1 _| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| X X |
j _| X X |
| X X |
| X X |
| | | |
j-1 _| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | | | |
i-1 i i+1
i-3/2 i-1/2 i+1/2 i+3/2
We wish to solve
we want U_{i+1/2}^{n+1/2} – the interface values that are input to the Riemann problem through the faces for each zone.
Taylor expanding yields:
n+1/2 dU dU
U = U + 0.5 dx -- + 0.5 dt --
i+1/2,j,L i,j dx dt
dU dF^x dF^y
= U + 0.5 dx -- - 0.5 dt ( ---- + ---- - H )
i,j dx dx dy
dU dF^x dF^y
= U + 0.5 ( dx -- - dt ---- ) - 0.5 dt ---- + 0.5 dt H
i,j dx dx dy
dt dU dF^y
= U + 0.5 dx ( 1 - -- A^x ) -- - 0.5 dt ---- + 0.5 dt H
i,j dx dx dy
dt _ dF^y
= U + 0.5 ( 1 - -- A^x ) DU - 0.5 dt ---- + 0.5 dt H
i,j dx dy
+----------+-----------+ +----+----+ +---+---+
| | |
this is the monotonized this is the source term
central difference term transverse
flux term
There are two components, the central difference in the normal to the interface, and the transverse flux difference. This is done for the left and right sides of all 4 interfaces in a zone, which are then used as input to the Riemann problem, yielding the 1/2 time interface values:
Then, the zone average values are updated in the usual finite-volume way:
n+1 n dt x n+1/2 x n+1/2
U = U + -- { F (U ) - F (U ) }
i,j i,j dx i-1/2,j i+1/2,j
dt y n+1/2 y n+1/2
+ -- { F (U ) - F (U ) }
dy i,j-1/2 i,j+1/2
Updating U_{i,j}:
We want to find the state to the left and right (or top and bottom) of each interface, ex. U_{i+1/2,j,[lr]}^{n+1/2}, and use them to solve a Riemann problem across each of the four interfaces.
U_{i+1/2,j,[lr]}^{n+1/2} is comprised of two parts, the computation of the monotonized central differences in the normal direction (eqs. 2.8, 2.10) and the computation of the transverse derivatives, which requires the solution of a Riemann problem in the transverse direction (eqs. 2.9, 2.14).
the monotonized central difference part is computed using the primitive variables.
We compute the central difference part in both directions before doing the transverse flux differencing, since for the high-order transverse flux implementation, we use these as the input to the transverse Riemann problem.
- pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes.apply_artificial_viscosity(F_x, F_y, q, my_data, rp, ivars)[source]#
This applies artificial viscosity correction terms to the fluxes.
- Parameters:
- F_x, F_yndarray, ndarray
Fluxes in x and y interface.
- qndarray
Primitive variables
- my_dataCellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.
- rpRuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
- ivarsVariables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables
- dtfloat
The timestep we are advancing through.
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray
Fluxes in x and y interface.
- pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes.apply_source_terms(U_xl, U_xr, U_yl, U_yr, my_data, my_aux, rp, ivars, tc, dt, *, problem_source=None)[source]#
This function applies source terms including external (gravity), geometric terms, and pressure terms to the left and right interface states (normal conserved states). Both geometric and pressure terms arise purely from geometry.
- Parameters:
- U_xl, U_xr, U_yl, U_yr: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray
Conserved states in the left and right x-interface and left and right y-interface.
- my_dataCellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.
- my_auxCellCenterData2d object
The data object that carries auxiliary quantities which we need to fill in the ghost cells.
- rpRuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
- ivarsVariables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables
- tcTimerCollection object
The timers we are using to profile
- dtfloat
The timestep we are advancing through.
- problem_sourcefunction (optional)
A problem-specific source function to call
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray
Left and right normal conserved states in x and y interfaces with source terms added.
- pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes.apply_transverse_flux(U_xl, U_xr, U_yl, U_yr, my_data, rp, ivars, solid, tc, dt)[source]#
This function applies transverse correction terms to the normal conserved states after applying other source terms.
We construct the state perpendicular to the interface by adding the central difference part to the transverse flux difference.
The states that we represent by indices i,j are shown below (1,2,3,4):
j+3/2--+----------+----------+----------+ | | | | | | | | j+1 -+ | | | | | | | | | | | 1: U_xl[i,j,:] = U j+1/2--+----------XXXXXXXXXXXX----------+ i-1/2,j,L | X X | | X X | j -+ 1 X 2 X | 2: U_xr[i,j,:] = U | X X | i-1/2,j,R | X 4 X | j-1/2--+----------XXXXXXXXXXXX----------+ | | 3 | | 3: U_yl[i,j,:] = U | | | | i,j-1/2,L j-1 -+ | | | | | | | | | | | 4: U_yr[i,j,:] = U j-3/2--+----------+----------+----------+ i,j-1/2,R | | | | | | | i-1 i i+1 i-3/2 i-1/2 i+1/2 i+3/2
remember that the fluxes are stored on the left edge, so:
F_x[i,j,:] = F_x i-1/2, j F_y[i,j,:] = F_y i, j-1/2
- Parameters:
- U_xl, U_xr, U_yl, U_yr: ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray
Conserved states in the left and right x-interface and left and right y-interface.
- my_dataCellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.
- rpRuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
- ivarsVariables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables
- solid: A container class
This is used in Riemann solver to indicate which side has solid boundary
- tcTimerCollection object
The timers we are using to profile
- dtfloat
The timestep we are advancing through.
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray
Left and right normal conserved states in x and y interfaces with source terms added.
- pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes.interface_states(my_data, rp, ivars, tc, dt)[source]#
interface_states returns the normal conserved states in the x and y interfaces. We get the normal fluxes by finding the normal primitive states, Then construct the corresponding conserved states.
- Parameters:
- my_dataCellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.
- rpRuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
- ivarsVariables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables
- tcTimerCollection object
The timers we are using to profile
- dtfloat
The timestep we are advancing through.
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray
Left and right normal conserved states in x and y interfaces