Design ideas

Design ideas#

pyro is written entirely in python, with a few low-level routines compiled just-in-time by numba for performance. The numpy package is used for representing arrays throughout the python code and the matplotlib library is used for visualization. Finally, pytest is used for unit testing of some components.

All solvers are written for a 2-d grid. This gives a good balance between complexity and speed.

A paper describing the design philosophy of pyro was published in Astronomy & Computing [A&C paper link]. A follow-on paper was published in JOSS [JOSS paper link].

Directory structure#

pyro follows a standard python package structure. The main directory (called pyro2/ for historical reasons) contains:

  • docs/ : The documentation in Sphinx format

  • examples/ : Some example notebooks

  • paper/ : the original JOSS paper

  • presentations/ : some presentations given on pyro in the past

  • pyro/ : the main source directory

  • www/ : the logo used in the website

It is at this level (pyro2/) that the installation of pyro is done (via pyproject.toml).


The main code is all contained in the pyro/ subdirectory. Here we discuss that.

The files for each solver are in their own sub-directory, with additional sub-directories for the mesh and utilities. Each solver has two sub-directories for problems and tests, appearing as:

  • solver-name

    • problems/ : the problem setups and inputs file that work for this solver. In some cases, this might be a symlink to a similar solver that we inherit from.

    • tests/. reference output (HDF5 files) used for the regression testing.

The other directories include:

  • analysis/: Various analysis scripts for processing pyro output files.

  • mesh/: The main classes that deal with 2-d cell-centered grids and the data that lives on them. All the solvers use these classes to represent their discretized data.

  • multigrid/: The multigrid solver for cell-centered data. This solver is used on its own to illustrate how multigrid works, and directly by the diffusion and incompressible solvers.

    This includes its own problems and tests directories for when it is run in a standalone fashion.

  • particles/: The solver for Lagrangian tracer particles. This is meant to be used with another solver.

  • util/: Various service modules used by the pyro routines, including runtime parameters, I/O, profiling, and pretty output modes.


Numba is used to speed up some critical portions of the code. Numba is a just-in-time compiler for python. When a call is first made to a function decorated with Numba’s @njit decorator, it is compiled to machine code ‘just-in-time’ for it to be executed. Once compiled, it can then run at (near-to) native machine code speed.

We also use Numba’s cache=True option, which means that once the code is compiled, Numba will write the code into a file-based cache. The next time you run the same bit of code, Numba will use the saved version rather than compiling the code again, saving some compilation time at the start of the simulation.

Main driver#

All the solvers use the same driver, the main script, contained in pyro2/pyro/. The flowchart for the driver is:

  • parse runtime parameters

  • setup the grid (initialize() function from the solver)

    • initialize the data for the desired problem (init_data() function from the problem)

  • do any necessary pre-evolution initialization (preevolve() function from the solver)

  • evolve while t < tmax and n < max_steps

    • fill boundary conditions (fill_BC_all() method of the CellCenterData2d class)

    • get the timestep (compute_timestep() calls the solver’s method_compute_timestep() function from the solver)

    • evolve for a single timestep (evolve() function from the solver)

    • t = t + dt

    • output (write() method of the CellCenterData2d class)

    • visualization (dovis() function from the solver)

  • call the solver’s finalize() function to output any useful information at the end

This format is flexible enough for the advection, compressible, diffusion, and incompressible evolution solver. Each solver provides a Simulation class that provides the following methods (note: inheritance is used, so many of these methods come from the base NullSimulation class):

  • compute_timestep: return the timestep based on the solver’s specific needs (through method_compute_timestep()) and timestepping parameters in the driver

  • dovis: performs visualization of the current solution

  • evolve: advances the system of equations through a single timestep

  • finalize: any final clean-ups, printing of analysis hints.

  • finished: return True if we’ve met the stopping criteria for a simulation

  • initialize: sets up the grid and solution variables

  • method_compute_timestep: returns the timestep for evolving the system

  • preevolve: does any initialization to the fluid state that is necessary before the main evolution. Not every solver will need something here.

  • read_extras: read in any solver-specific data from a stored output file

  • write: write the state of the simulation to an HDF5 file

  • write_extras: any solver-specific writing

Each problem setup needs only provide an init_data() function that fills the data in the patch object.