pyro.mesh package#
This is the general mesh module for pyro. It implements everything necessary to work with finite-volume data.
pyro.mesh.array_indexer module#
An array class that has methods supporting the type of stencil operations we see in finite-difference methods, like i+1, i-1, etc.
- class pyro.mesh.array_indexer.ArrayIndexer(d, grid=None)[source]#
a class that wraps the data region of a single cell-centered data array (d) and allows us to easily do array operations like d[i+1,j] using the ip() method.
- fill_ghost(n=0, bc=None)[source]#
Fill the boundary conditions. This operates on a single component, n. We do periodic, reflect-even, reflect-odd, and outflow
We need a BC object to tell us what BC type on each boundary.
- ip(shift, buf=0, n=0, s=1)[source]#
return a view of the data shifted by shift in the x direction. By default the view is the same size as the valid region, but the buf can specify how many ghost cells on each side to include. The component is n and s is the stride
- ip_jp(ishift, jshift, buf=0, n=0, s=1)[source]#
return a view of the data shifted by ishift in the x direction and jshift in the y direction. By default the view is the same size as the valid region, but the buf can specify how many ghost cells on each side to include. The component is n and s is the stride
- is_asymmetric(nodal=False, tol=1e-14)[source]#
return True is the data is left-right asymmetric (to the tolerance tol)—e.g, the sign flips. For node-centered data, set nodal=True
- is_symmetric(nodal=False, tol=1e-14, asymmetric=False)[source]#
return True is the data is left-right symmetric (to the tolerance tol) For node-centered data, set nodal=True
- jp(shift, buf=0, n=0, s=1)[source]#
return a view of the data shifted by shift in the y direction. By default the view is the same size as the valid region, but the buf can specify how many ghost cells on each side to include. The component is n and s is the stride
- norm(n=0)[source]#
find the norm of the quantity (index n) defined on the same grid, in the domain’s valid region
- class pyro.mesh.array_indexer.ArrayIndexerFC(d, idir, grid=None)[source]#
a class that wraps the data region of a single face-centered data array (d) and allows us to easily do array operations like d[i+1,j] using the ip() method.
- fill_ghost(n=0, bc=None)[source]#
Fill the boundary conditions. This operates on a single component, n. We do periodic, reflect-even, reflect-odd, and outflow
We need a BC object to tell us what BC type on each boundary.
- ip_jp(ishift, jshift, buf=0, n=0, s=1)[source]#
return a view of the data shifted by ishift in the x direction and jshift in the y direction. By default the view is the same size as the valid region, but the buf can specify how many ghost cells on each side to include. The component is n and s is the stride
- is_asymmetric(nodal=False, tol=1e-14)[source]#
return True is the data is left-right asymmetric (to the tolerance tol)—e.g, the sign flips. For node-centered data, set nodal=True
- is_symmetric(nodal=False, tol=1e-14, asymmetric=False)[source]#
return True is the data is left-right symmetric (to the tolerance tol) For node-centered data, set nodal=True
pyro.mesh.boundary module#
Methods to manage boundary conditions
- class pyro.mesh.boundary.BC(*, xlb='outflow', xrb='outflow', ylb='outflow', yrb='outflow', xl_func=None, xr_func=None, yl_func=None, yr_func=None, grid=None, odd_reflect_dir='')[source]#
Boundary condition container – hold the BCs on each boundary for a single variable.
For Neumann and Dirichlet BCs, a function callback can be stored for inhomogeous BCs. This function should provide the value on the physical boundary (not cell center). This is evaluated on the relevant edge when the __init__ routine is called. For this reason, you need to pass in a grid object. Note: this only ensures that the first ghost cells is consistent with the BC value.
- class pyro.mesh.boundary.BCProp(xl_prop, xr_prop, yl_prop, yr_prop)[source]#
A simple container to hold properties of the boundary conditions.
- pyro.mesh.boundary.bc_is_solid(bc)[source]#
return a container class indicating which boundaries are solid walls
- pyro.mesh.boundary.define_bc(bc_type, function, is_solid=False)[source]#
use this to extend the types of boundary conditions supported on a solver-by-solver basis. Here we pass in the reference to a function that can be called with the data that needs to be filled. is_solid indicates whether it should be interpreted as a solid wall (no flux through the BC)”
pyro.mesh.fourth_order module#
Reconstruction routines for 4th order finite-volume methods
- pyro.mesh.fourth_order.states(a, ng, idir)[source]#
Predict the cell-centered state to the edges in one-dimension using the reconstructed, limited slopes. We use a fourth-order Godunov method.
Our convention here is that:
will be \(al_{i-1/2,j}\),al[i+1,j]
will be \(al_{i+1/2,j}\).- Parameters:
- andarray
The cell-centered state.
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray
The state predicted to the left and right edges.
- pyro.mesh.fourth_order.states_nolimit(a, qx, qy, ng, idir)[source]#
Predict the cell-centered state to the edges in one-dimension using the reconstructed slopes (and without slope limiting). We use a fourth-order Godunov method.
Our convention here is that:
will be \(al_{i-1/2,j}\),al[i+1,j]
will be \(al_{i+1/2,j}\).- Parameters:
- andarray
The cell-centered state.
- ngint
The number of ghost cells
- idirint
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
- Returns:
- outndarray, ndarray
The state predicted to the left and right edges.
pyro.mesh.fv module#
This implements support for 4th-order accurate finite-volume data by adding support for converting between cell averages and centers.
- class pyro.mesh.fv.FV2d(grid, *, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]#
this is a finite-volume grid. We expect the data to represent cell-averages, and do operations to 4th order. This assumes dx = dy
pyro.mesh.integration module#
A generic Runge-Kutta type integrator for integrating CellCenterData2d. We support a generic Butcher tableau for explicit the Runge-Kutta update:
0 |
c_2 | a_21
c_3 | a_31 a_32
: | : .
: | : .
c_s | a_s1 a_s2 ... a_s,s-1
| b_1 b_2 ... b_{s-1} b_s
the update is:
y_{n+1} = y_n + dt sum_{i=1}^s {b_i k_i}
and the s increment is:
k_s = f(t + c_s dt, y_n + dt (a_s1 k1 + a_s2 k2 + ... + a_s,s-1 k_{s-1})
- class pyro.mesh.integration.RKIntegrator(t, dt, method='RK4')[source]#
the integration class for CellCenterData2d, supporting RK integration
- compute_final_update()[source]#
this constructs the final t + dt update, overwriting the initial data
pyro.mesh.patch module#
The patch module defines the classes necessary to describe finite-volume data and the grid that it lives on.
Typical usage:
create the grid:
grid = Grid2d(nx, ny)
create the data that lives on that grid:
data = CellCenterData2d(grid) bc = BC(xlb="reflect", xrb="reflect", ylb="outflow", yrb="outflow") data.register_var("density", bc) ... data.create()
initialize some data:
dens = data.get_var("density") dens[:, :] = ...
fill the ghost cells:
- class pyro.mesh.patch.Cartesian2d(nx, ny, *, ng=1, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0)[source]#
This class defines a 2D Cartesian Grid.
Define: x = x y = y
- class pyro.mesh.patch.CellCenterData2d(grid, *, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]#
A class to define cell-centered data that lives on a grid. A CellCenterData2d object is built in a multi-step process before it can be used.
Create the object. We pass in a grid object to describe where the data lives:
my_data = patch.CellCenterData2d(myGrid)
Register any variables that we expect to live on this patch. Here BC describes the boundary conditions for that variable:
my_data.register_var('density', BC) my_data.register_var('x-momentum', BC) ...
Register any auxiliary data – these are any parameters that are needed to interpret the data outside of the simulation (for example, the gamma for the equation of state):
my_data.set_aux(keyword, value)
Finish the initialization of the patch:
This last step actually allocates the storage for the state variables. Once this is done, the patch is considered to be locked. New variables cannot be added.
- add_derived(func)[source]#
Register a function to compute derived variable
- Parameters:
- funcfunction
A function to call to derive the variable. This function should take two arguments, a CellCenterData2d object and a string variable name (or list of variables)
- create()[source]#
Called after all the variables are registered and allocates the storage for the state data.
- fill_BC(name)[source]#
Fill the boundary conditions. This operates on a single state variable at a time, to allow for maximum flexibility.
We do periodic, reflect-even, reflect-odd, and outflow
Each variable name has a corresponding BC stored in the CellCenterData2d object – we refer to this to figure out the action to take at each boundary.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the variable for which to fill the BCs.
- get_aux(keyword)[source]#
Get the auxiliary data associated with keyword
- Parameters:
- keywordstr
The name of the auxiliary data to access
- Returns:
- outvariable type
The value corresponding to the keyword
- get_var(name)[source]#
Return a data array for the variable described by name. Stored variables will be checked first, and then any derived variables will be checked.
For a stored variable, changes made to this are automatically reflected in the CellCenterData2d object.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the variable to access
- Returns:
- outndarray
The array of data corresponding to the variable name
- get_var_by_index(n)[source]#
Return a data array for the variable with index n in the data array. Any changes made to this are automatically reflected in the CellCenterData2d object.
- Parameters:
- nint
The index of the variable to access
- Returns:
- outndarray
The array of data corresponding to the index
- get_vars()[source]#
Return the entire data array. Any changes made to this are automatically reflected in the CellCenterData2d object.
- Returns:
- outndarray
The array of data
- pretty_print(var, fmt=None)[source]#
print out the contents of the data array with pretty formatting indicating where ghost cells are.
- prolong(varname)[source]#
Prolong the data in the current (coarse) grid to a finer (factor of 2 finer) grid. Return an array with the resulting data (and same number of ghostcells). Only the data for the variable varname will be operated upon.
We will reconstruct the data in the zone from the zone-averaged variables using the same limited slopes as in the advection routine. Getting a good multidimensional reconstruction polynomial is hard – we want it to be bilinear and monotonic – we settle for having each slope be independently monotonic:
(x) (y) f(x,y) = m x/dx + m y/dy + <f>
where the m’s are the limited differences in each direction. When averaged over the parent cell, this reproduces <f>.
Each zone’s reconstrution will be averaged over 4 children:
+-----------+ +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | 3 | 4 | | <f> | --> +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | +-----------+ +-----+-----+
We will fill each of the finer resolution zones by filling all the 1’s together, using a stride 2 into the fine array. Then the 2’s and …, this allows us to operate in a vector fashion. All operations will use the same slopes for their respective parents.
- register_var(name, bc)[source]#
Register a variable with CellCenterData2d object.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The variable name
- bcBC object
The boundary conditions that describe the actions to take for this variable at the physical domain boundaries.
- restrict(varname, N=2)[source]#
Restrict the variable varname to a coarser grid (factor of 2 coarser) and return an array with the resulting data (and same number of ghostcells)
- class pyro.mesh.patch.FaceCenterData2d(grid, idir, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]#
A class to define face-centered data that lives on a grid. Data can be face-centered in x or y. This is built in the same multistep process as a CellCenterData2d object
- add_derived(func)[source]#
Register a function to compute derived variable
- Parameters:
- funcfunction
A function to call to derive the variable. This function should take two arguments, a CellCenterData2d object and a string variable name (or list of variables)
- create()[source]#
Called after all the variables are registered and allocates the storage for the state data. For face-centered data, we have one more zone in the face-centered direction.
- fill_BC(name)[source]#
Fill the boundary conditions. This operates on a single state variable at a time, to allow for maximum flexibility.
We do periodic, reflect-even, reflect-odd, and outflow
Each variable name has a corresponding BC stored in the CellCenterData2d object – we refer to this to figure out the action to take at each boundary.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the variable for which to fill the BCs.
- get_var_by_index(n)[source]#
Return a data array for the variable with index n in the data array. Any changes made to this are automatically reflected in the CellCenterData2d object.
- Parameters:
- nint
The index of the variable to access
- Returns:
- outndarray
The array of data corresponding to the index
- get_vars()[source]#
Return the entire data array. Any changes made to this are automatically reflected in the CellCenterData2d object.
- Returns:
- outndarray
The array of data
- prolong(varname)[source]#
Prolong the data in the current (coarse) grid to a finer (factor of 2 finer) grid. Return an array with the resulting data (and same number of ghostcells). Only the data for the variable varname will be operated upon.
We will reconstruct the data in the zone from the zone-averaged variables using the same limited slopes as in the advection routine. Getting a good multidimensional reconstruction polynomial is hard – we want it to be bilinear and monotonic – we settle for having each slope be independently monotonic:
(x) (y) f(x,y) = m x/dx + m y/dy + <f>
where the m’s are the limited differences in each direction. When averaged over the parent cell, this reproduces <f>.
Each zone’s reconstrution will be averaged over 4 children:
+-----------+ +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | 3 | 4 | | <f> | --> +-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | +-----------+ +-----+-----+
We will fill each of the finer resolution zones by filling all the 1’s together, using a stride 2 into the fine array. Then the 2’s and …, this allows us to operate in a vector fashion. All operations will use the same slopes for their respective parents.
- class pyro.mesh.patch.Grid2d(nx, ny, *, ng=1, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0)[source]#
the 2-d grid class. The grid object will contain the coordinate information (at various centerings).
A basic (1-d) representation of the layout is:
| | | X | | | | X | | | +--*--+- // -+--*--X--*--+--*--+- // -+--*--+--*--X--*--+- // -+--*--+ 0 ng-1 ng ng+1 ... ng+nx-1 ng+nx 2ng+nx-1 ilo ihi |<- ng guardcells->|<---- nx interior zones ----->|<- ng guardcells->|
The ‘*’ marks the data locations.
- coarse_like(N)[source]#
return a new grid object coarsened by a factor n, but with all the other properties the same
- class pyro.mesh.patch.SphericalPolar(nx, ny, *, ng=1, xmin=0.2, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0)[source]#
This class defines a spherical polar grid. This is technically a 3D geometry but assumes azimuthal symmetry, and zero velocity in phi-direction. Hence 2D.
Define: r = x theta = y
pyro.mesh.reconstruction module#
Support for computing limited differences needed in reconstruction of slopes in constructing interface states.
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, idir, ivars, rp)[source]#
compute the 1-d flattening coefficients
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars)[source]#
compute the multidimensional flattening coefficient
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.limit(data, myg, idir, limiter)[source]#
a single driver that calls the different limiters based on the value of the limiter input variable.
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.limit2(a, myg, idir)[source]#
2nd order monotonized central difference limiter
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.limit4(a, myg, idir)[source]#
4th order monotonized central difference limiter
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.nolimit(a, myg, idir)[source]#
just a centered difference without any limiting
- pyro.mesh.reconstruction.well_balance(q, myg, limiter, iv, grav)[source]#
subtract off the hydrostatic pressure before limiting. Note, this only considers the y direction.