import numpy as np
from numba import njit
import pyro.mesh.array_indexer as ai
from pyro.util import msg
def riemann_cgf(idir, ng,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
lower_solid, upper_solid,
gamma, U_l, U_r):
Solve riemann shock tube problem for a general equation of
state using the method of Colella, Glaz, and Ferguson. See
Almgren et al. 2010 (the CASTRO paper) for details.
The Riemann problem for the Euler's equation produces 4 regions,
separated by the three characteristics (u - cs, u, u + cs)::
u - cs t u u + cs
\ ^ . /
\ *L | . *R /
\ | . /
\ | . /
L \ | . / R
\ | . /
\ |. /
----------+----------------> x
We care about the solution on the axis. The basic idea is to use
estimates of the wave speeds to figure out which region we are in,
and: use jump conditions to evaluate the state there.
Only density jumps across the u characteristic. All primitive
variables jump across the other two. Special attention is needed
if a rarefaction spans the axis.
idir : int
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
ng : int
The number of ghost cells
nspec : int
The number of species
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX : int
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density
and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
lower_solid, upper_solid : int
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
gamma : float
Adiabatic index
U_l, U_r : ndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
out : ndarray
Conserved states.
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
qx, qy, nvar = U_l.shape
U_out = np.zeros((qx, qy, nvar))
smallc = 1.e-10
smallrho = 1.e-10
smallp = 1.e-10
nx = qx - 2 * ng
ny = qy - 2 * ng
ilo = ng
ihi = ng + nx
jlo = ng
jhi = ng + ny
for i in range(ilo - 1, ihi + 1):
for j in range(jlo - 1, jhi + 1):
# primitive variable states
rho_l = U_l[i, j, idens]
# un = normal velocity; ut = transverse velocity
if idir == 1:
un_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
un_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
rhoe_l = U_l[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_l * (un_l**2 + ut_l**2)
p_l = rhoe_l * (gamma - 1.0)
p_l = max(p_l, smallp)
rho_r = U_r[i, j, idens]
if idir == 1:
un_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
un_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
rhoe_r = U_r[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_r * (un_r**2 + ut_r**2)
p_r = rhoe_r * (gamma - 1.0)
p_r = max(p_r, smallp)
# define the Lagrangian sound speed
W_l = max(smallrho * smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l * rho_l))
W_r = max(smallrho * smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r * rho_r))
# and the regular sound speeds
c_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l / rho_l))
c_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r / rho_r))
# define the star states
pstar = (W_l * p_r + W_r * p_l + W_l *
W_r * (un_l - un_r)) / (W_l + W_r)
pstar = max(pstar, smallp)
ustar = (W_l * un_l + W_r * un_r + (p_l - p_r)) / (W_l + W_r)
# now compute the remaining state to the left and right
# of the contact (in the star region)
rhostar_l = rho_l + (pstar - p_l) / c_l**2
rhostar_r = rho_r + (pstar - p_r) / c_r**2
rhoestar_l = rhoe_l + \
(pstar - p_l) * (rhoe_l / rho_l + p_l / rho_l) / c_l**2
rhoestar_r = rhoe_r + \
(pstar - p_r) * (rhoe_r / rho_r + p_r / rho_r) / c_r**2
cstar_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * pstar / rhostar_l))
cstar_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * pstar / rhostar_r))
# figure out which state we are in, based on the location of
# the waves
if ustar > 0.0:
# contact is moving to the right, we need to understand
# the L and *L states
# Note: transverse velocity only jumps across contact
ut_state = ut_l
# define eigenvalues
lambda_l = un_l - c_l
lambdastar_l = ustar - cstar_l
if pstar > p_l:
# the wave is a shock -- find the shock speed
sigma = (lambda_l + lambdastar_l) / 2.0
if sigma > 0.0:
# shock is moving to the right -- solution is L state
rho_state = rho_l
un_state = un_l
p_state = p_l
rhoe_state = rhoe_l
# solution is *L state
rho_state = rhostar_l
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
rhoe_state = rhoestar_l
# the wave is a rarefaction
if lambda_l < 0.0 and lambdastar_l < 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the left -- solution is
# *L state
rho_state = rhostar_l
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
rhoe_state = rhoestar_l
elif lambda_l > 0.0 and lambdastar_l > 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the right -- solution is
# L state
rho_state = rho_l
un_state = un_l
p_state = p_l
rhoe_state = rhoe_l
# rarefaction spans x/t = 0 -- interpolate
alpha = lambda_l / (lambda_l - lambdastar_l)
rho_state = alpha * rhostar_l + (1.0 - alpha) * rho_l
un_state = alpha * ustar + (1.0 - alpha) * un_l
p_state = alpha * pstar + (1.0 - alpha) * p_l
rhoe_state = alpha * rhoestar_l + \
(1.0 - alpha) * rhoe_l
elif ustar < 0:
# contact moving left, we need to understand the R and *R
# states
# Note: transverse velocity only jumps across contact
ut_state = ut_r
# define eigenvalues
lambda_r = un_r + c_r
lambdastar_r = ustar + cstar_r
if pstar > p_r:
# the wave if a shock -- find the shock speed
sigma = (lambda_r + lambdastar_r) / 2.0
if sigma > 0.0:
# shock is moving to the right -- solution is *R state
rho_state = rhostar_r
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
rhoe_state = rhoestar_r
# solution is R state
rho_state = rho_r
un_state = un_r
p_state = p_r
rhoe_state = rhoe_r
# the wave is a rarefaction
if lambda_r < 0.0 and lambdastar_r < 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the left -- solution is
# R state
rho_state = rho_r
un_state = un_r
p_state = p_r
rhoe_state = rhoe_r
elif lambda_r > 0.0 and lambdastar_r > 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the right -- solution is
# *R state
rho_state = rhostar_r
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
rhoe_state = rhoestar_r
# rarefaction spans x/t = 0 -- interpolate
alpha = lambda_r / (lambda_r - lambdastar_r)
rho_state = alpha * rhostar_r + (1.0 - alpha) * rho_r
un_state = alpha * ustar + (1.0 - alpha) * un_r
p_state = alpha * pstar + (1.0 - alpha) * p_r
rhoe_state = alpha * rhoestar_r + \
(1.0 - alpha) * rhoe_r
else: # ustar == 0
rho_state = 0.5 * (rhostar_l + rhostar_r)
un_state = ustar
ut_state = 0.5 * (ut_l + ut_r)
p_state = pstar
rhoe_state = 0.5 * (rhoestar_l + rhoestar_r)
# species now
if nspec > 0:
if ustar > 0.0:
xn = U_l[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / U_l[i, j, idens]
elif ustar < 0.0:
xn = U_r[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / U_r[i, j, idens]
xn = 0.5 * (U_l[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / U_l[i, j, idens] +
U_r[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / U_r[i, j, idens])
# are we on a solid boundary?
if idir == 1:
if i == ilo and lower_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
if i == ihi + 1 and upper_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
elif idir == 2:
if j == jlo and lower_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
if j == jhi + 1 and upper_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
# update conserved state
U_out[i, j, idens] = rho_state
if idir == 1:
U_out[i, j, ixmom] = rho_state * un_state
U_out[i, j, iymom] = rho_state * ut_state
U_out[i, j, ixmom] = rho_state * ut_state
U_out[i, j, iymom] = rho_state * un_state
U_out[i, j, iener] = rhoe_state + \
0.5 * rho_state * (un_state**2 + ut_state**2)
if nspec > 0:
U_out[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] = xn * rho_state
return U_out
def riemann_prim(idir, ng,
irho, iu, iv, ip, iX, nspec,
lower_solid, upper_solid,
gamma, q_l, q_r):
this is like riemann_cgf, except that it works on a primitive
variable input state and returns the primitive variable interface
Solve riemann shock tube problem for a general equation of
state using the method of Colella, Glaz, and Ferguson. See
Almgren et al. 2010 (the CASTRO paper) for details.
The Riemann problem for the Euler's equation produces 4 regions,
separated by the three characteristics :math:`(u - cs, u, u + cs)`::
u - cs t u u + cs
\ ^ . /
\ *L | . *R /
\ | . /
\ | . /
L \ | . / R
\ | . /
\ |. /
----------+----------------> x
We care about the solution on the axis. The basic idea is to use
estimates of the wave speeds to figure out which region we are in,
and: use jump conditions to evaluate the state there.
Only density jumps across the :math:`u` characteristic. All primitive
variables jump across the other two. Special attention is needed
if a rarefaction spans the axis.
idir : int
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
ng : int
The number of ghost cells
nspec : int
The number of species
irho, iu, iv, ip, iX : int
The indices of the density, x-velocity, y-velocity, pressure and species fractions in the state vector.
lower_solid, upper_solid : int
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
gamma : float
Adiabatic index
q_l, q_r : ndarray
Primitive state on the left and right cell edges.
out : ndarray
Primitive flux
qx, qy, nvar = q_l.shape
q_int = np.zeros((qx, qy, nvar))
smallc = 1.e-10
smallrho = 1.e-10
smallp = 1.e-10
nx = qx - 2 * ng
ny = qy - 2 * ng
ilo = ng
ihi = ng + nx
jlo = ng
jhi = ng + ny
for i in range(ilo - 1, ihi + 1):
for j in range(jlo - 1, jhi + 1):
# primitive variable states
rho_l = q_l[i, j, irho]
# un = normal velocity; ut = transverse velocity
if idir == 1:
un_l = q_l[i, j, iu]
ut_l = q_l[i, j, iv]
un_l = q_l[i, j, iv]
ut_l = q_l[i, j, iu]
p_l = q_l[i, j, ip]
p_l = max(p_l, smallp)
rho_r = q_r[i, j, irho]
if idir == 1:
un_r = q_r[i, j, iu]
ut_r = q_r[i, j, iv]
un_r = q_r[i, j, iv]
ut_r = q_r[i, j, iu]
p_r = q_r[i, j, ip]
p_r = max(p_r, smallp)
# define the Lagrangian sound speed
rho_l = max(smallrho, rho_l)
rho_r = max(smallrho, rho_r)
W_l = max(smallrho * smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l * rho_l))
W_r = max(smallrho * smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r * rho_r))
# and the regular sound speeds
c_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l / rho_l))
c_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r / rho_r))
# define the star states
pstar = (W_l * p_r + W_r * p_l + W_l *
W_r * (un_l - un_r)) / (W_l + W_r)
pstar = max(pstar, smallp)
ustar = (W_l * un_l + W_r * un_r + (p_l - p_r)) / (W_l + W_r)
# now compute the remaining state to the left and right
# of the contact (in the star region)
rhostar_l = rho_l + (pstar - p_l) / c_l**2
rhostar_r = rho_r + (pstar - p_r) / c_r**2
cstar_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * pstar / rhostar_l))
cstar_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * pstar / rhostar_r))
# figure out which state we are in, based on the location of
# the waves
if ustar > 0.0:
# contact is moving to the right, we need to understand
# the L and *L states
# Note: transverse velocity only jumps across contact
ut_state = ut_l
# define eigenvalues
lambda_l = un_l - c_l
lambdastar_l = ustar - cstar_l
if pstar > p_l:
# the wave is a shock -- find the shock speed
sigma = (lambda_l + lambdastar_l) / 2.0
if sigma > 0.0:
# shock is moving to the right -- solution is L state
rho_state = rho_l
un_state = un_l
p_state = p_l
# solution is *L state
rho_state = rhostar_l
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
# the wave is a rarefaction
if lambda_l < 0.0 and lambdastar_l < 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the left -- solution is
# *L state
rho_state = rhostar_l
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
elif lambda_l > 0.0 and lambdastar_l > 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the right -- solution is
# L state
rho_state = rho_l
un_state = un_l
p_state = p_l
# rarefaction spans x/t = 0 -- interpolate
alpha = lambda_l / (lambda_l - lambdastar_l)
rho_state = alpha * rhostar_l + (1.0 - alpha) * rho_l
un_state = alpha * ustar + (1.0 - alpha) * un_l
p_state = alpha * pstar + (1.0 - alpha) * p_l
elif ustar < 0:
# contact moving left, we need to understand the R and *R
# states
# Note: transverse velocity only jumps across contact
ut_state = ut_r
# define eigenvalues
lambda_r = un_r + c_r
lambdastar_r = ustar + cstar_r
if pstar > p_r:
# the wave if a shock -- find the shock speed
sigma = (lambda_r + lambdastar_r) / 2.0
if sigma > 0.0:
# shock is moving to the right -- solution is *R state
rho_state = rhostar_r
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
# solution is R state
rho_state = rho_r
un_state = un_r
p_state = p_r
# the wave is a rarefaction
if lambda_r < 0.0 and lambdastar_r < 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the left -- solution is
# R state
rho_state = rho_r
un_state = un_r
p_state = p_r
elif lambda_r > 0.0 and lambdastar_r > 0.0:
# rarefaction fan is moving to the right -- solution is
# *R state
rho_state = rhostar_r
un_state = ustar
p_state = pstar
# rarefaction spans x/t = 0 -- interpolate
alpha = lambda_r / (lambda_r - lambdastar_r)
rho_state = alpha * rhostar_r + (1.0 - alpha) * rho_r
un_state = alpha * ustar + (1.0 - alpha) * un_r
p_state = alpha * pstar + (1.0 - alpha) * p_r
else: # ustar == 0
rho_state = 0.5 * (rhostar_l + rhostar_r)
un_state = ustar
ut_state = 0.5 * (ut_l + ut_r)
p_state = pstar
# species now
if nspec > 0:
if ustar > 0.0:
xn = q_l[i, j, iX:iX + nspec]
elif ustar < 0.0:
xn = q_r[i, j, iX:iX + nspec]
xn = 0.5 * (q_l[i, j, iX:iX + nspec] +
q_r[i, j, iX:iX + nspec])
# are we on a solid boundary?
if idir == 1:
if i == ilo and lower_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
if i == ihi + 1 and upper_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
elif idir == 2:
if j == jlo and lower_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
if j == jhi + 1 and upper_solid == 1:
un_state = 0.0
q_int[i, j, irho] = rho_state
if idir == 1:
q_int[i, j, iu] = un_state
q_int[i, j, iv] = ut_state
q_int[i, j, iu] = ut_state
q_int[i, j, iv] = un_state
q_int[i, j, ip] = p_state
if nspec > 0:
q_int[i, j, iX:iX + nspec] = xn
return q_int
def estimate_wave_speed(rho_l, u_l, p_l, c_l,
rho_r, u_r, p_r, c_r,
# Estimate the star quantities -- use one of three methods to
# do this -- the primitive variable Riemann solver, the two
# shock approximation, or the two rarefaction approximation.
# Pick the method based on the pressure states at the
# interface.
p_max = max(p_l, p_r)
p_min = min(p_l, p_r)
Q = p_max / p_min
rho_avg = 0.5 * (rho_l + rho_r)
c_avg = 0.5 * (c_l + c_r)
# primitive variable Riemann solver (Toro, 9.3)
factor = rho_avg * c_avg
pstar = 0.5 * (p_l + p_r) + 0.5 * (u_l - u_r) * factor
ustar = 0.5 * (u_l + u_r) + 0.5 * (p_l - p_r) / factor
if Q > 2 and (pstar < p_min or pstar > p_max):
# use a more accurate Riemann solver for the estimate here
if pstar < p_min:
# 2-rarefaction Riemann solver
z = (gamma - 1.0) / (2.0 * gamma)
p_lr = (p_l / p_r)**z
ustar = (p_lr * u_l / c_l + u_r / c_r +
2.0 * (p_lr - 1.0) / (gamma - 1.0)) / \
(p_lr / c_l + 1.0 / c_r)
pstar = 0.5 * (p_l * (1.0 + (gamma - 1.0) * (u_l - ustar) /
(2.0 * c_l))**(1.0 / z) +
p_r * (1.0 + (gamma - 1.0) * (ustar - u_r) /
(2.0 * c_r))**(1.0 / z))
# 2-shock Riemann solver
A_r = 2.0 / ((gamma + 1.0) * rho_r)
B_r = p_r * (gamma - 1.0) / (gamma + 1.0)
A_l = 2.0 / ((gamma + 1.0) * rho_l)
B_l = p_l * (gamma - 1.0) / (gamma + 1.0)
# guess of the pressure
p_guess = max(0.0, pstar)
g_l = np.sqrt(A_l / (p_guess + B_l))
g_r = np.sqrt(A_r / (p_guess + B_r))
pstar = (g_l * p_l + g_r * p_r - (u_r - u_l)) / (g_l + g_r)
ustar = 0.5 * (u_l + u_r) + \
0.5 * ((pstar - p_r) * g_r - (pstar - p_l) * g_l)
# estimate the nonlinear wave speeds
if pstar <= p_l:
# rarefaction
S_l = u_l - c_l
# shock
S_l = u_l - c_l * np.sqrt(1.0 + ((gamma + 1.0) / (2.0 * gamma)) *
(pstar / p_l - 1.0))
if pstar <= p_r:
# rarefaction
S_r = u_r + c_r
# shock
S_r = u_r + c_r * np.sqrt(1.0 + ((gamma + 1.0) / (2.0 / gamma)) *
(pstar / p_r - 1.0))
return S_l, S_r
def riemann_hllc(idir, ng,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
lower_solid, upper_solid, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
gamma, U_l, U_r):
This is the HLLC Riemann solver. The implementation follows
directly out of Toro's book. Note: this does not handle the
transonic rarefaction.
idir : int
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
ng : int
The number of ghost cells
nspec : int
The number of species
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX : int
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density
and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
lower_solid, upper_solid : int
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
gamma : float
Adiabatic index
U_l, U_r : ndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
out : ndarray
Conserved flux
# Only Cartesian2d is supported in HLLC
coord_type = 0
qx, qy, nvar = U_l.shape
F = np.zeros((qx, qy, nvar))
smallc = 1.e-10
smallp = 1.e-10
U_state = np.zeros(nvar)
nx = qx - 2 * ng
ny = qy - 2 * ng
ilo = ng
ihi = ng + nx
jlo = ng
jhi = ng + ny
for i in range(ilo - 1, ihi + 1):
for j in range(jlo - 1, jhi + 1):
# primitive variable states
rho_l = U_l[i, j, idens]
# un = normal velocity; ut = transverse velocity
if idir == 1:
un_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
un_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
rhoe_l = U_l[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_l * (un_l**2 + ut_l**2)
p_l = rhoe_l * (gamma - 1.0)
p_l = max(p_l, smallp)
rho_r = U_r[i, j, idens]
if idir == 1:
un_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
un_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
rhoe_r = U_r[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_r * (un_r**2 + ut_r**2)
p_r = rhoe_r * (gamma - 1.0)
p_r = max(p_r, smallp)
# compute the sound speeds
c_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l / rho_l))
c_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r / rho_r))
S_l, S_r = estimate_wave_speed(rho_l, un_l, p_l, c_l,
rho_r, un_r, p_r, c_r, gamma)
# We could just take S_c = u_star as the estimate for the
# contact speed, but we can actually do this more accurately
# by using the Rankine-Hugonoit jump conditions across each
# of the waves (see Toro 10.58, Batten et al. SIAM
# J. Sci. and Stat. Comp., 18:1553 (1997)
S_c = (p_r - p_l + rho_l * un_l * (S_l - un_l) - rho_r * un_r * (S_r - un_r)) / \
(rho_l * (S_l - un_l) - rho_r * (S_r - un_r))
# figure out which region we are in and compute the state and
# the interface fluxes using the HLLC Riemann solver
if S_r <= 0.0:
# R region
U_state[:] = U_r[i, j, :]
F[i, j, :] = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
elif S_c <= 0.0 < S_r:
# R* region
HLLCfactor = rho_r * (S_r - un_r) / (S_r - S_c)
U_state[idens] = HLLCfactor
if idir == 1:
U_state[ixmom] = HLLCfactor * S_c
U_state[iymom] = HLLCfactor * ut_r
U_state[ixmom] = HLLCfactor * ut_r
U_state[iymom] = HLLCfactor * S_c
U_state[iener] = HLLCfactor * (U_r[i, j, iener] / rho_r +
(S_c - un_r) * (S_c + p_r / (rho_r * (S_r - un_r))))
# species
if nspec > 0:
U_state[irhoX:irhoX + nspec] = HLLCfactor * \
U_r[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / rho_r
# find the flux on the right interface
F[i, j, :] = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
U_r[i, j, :])
# correct the flux
F[i, j, :] = F[i, j, :] + S_r * (U_state[:] - U_r[i, j, :])
elif S_l < 0.0 < S_c:
# L* region
HLLCfactor = rho_l * (S_l - un_l) / (S_l - S_c)
U_state[idens] = HLLCfactor
if idir == 1:
U_state[ixmom] = HLLCfactor * S_c
U_state[iymom] = HLLCfactor * ut_l
U_state[ixmom] = HLLCfactor * ut_l
U_state[iymom] = HLLCfactor * S_c
U_state[iener] = HLLCfactor * (U_l[i, j, iener] / rho_l +
(S_c - un_l) * (S_c + p_l / (rho_l * (S_l - un_l))))
# species
if nspec > 0:
U_state[irhoX:irhoX + nspec] = HLLCfactor * \
U_l[i, j, irhoX:irhoX + nspec] / rho_l
# find the flux on the left interface
F[i, j, :] = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
U_l[i, j, :])
# correct the flux
F[i, j, :] = F[i, j, :] + S_l * (U_state[:] - U_l[i, j, :])
# L region
U_state[:] = U_l[i, j, :]
F[i, j, :] = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
# we should deal with solid boundaries somehow here
return F
def riemann_hllc_lowspeed(idir, ng,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
lower_solid, upper_solid, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
gamma, U_l, U_r):
This is the HLLC Riemann solver based on Toro (2009) alternate formulation
(Eqs. 10.43 and 10.44) and the low Mach number asymptotic fix of
Minoshima & Miyoshi (2021). It is also based on the Quokka implementation.
idir : int
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
ng : int
The number of ghost cells
nspec : int
The number of species
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX : int
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density
and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
lower_solid, upper_solid : int
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
gamma : float
Adiabatic index
U_l, U_r : ndarray
Conserved state on the left and right cell edges.
out : ndarray
Conserved flux
# Only Cartesian2d is supported in HLLC
coord_type = 0
qx, qy, nvar = U_l.shape
F = np.zeros((qx, qy, nvar))
smallc = 1.e-10
smallp = 1.e-10
nx = qx - 2 * ng
ny = qy - 2 * ng
ilo = ng
ihi = ng + nx
jlo = ng
jhi = ng + ny
for i in range(ilo - 1, ihi + 1):
for j in range(jlo - 1, jhi + 1):
D_star = np.zeros(nvar)
# primitive variable states
rho_l = U_l[i, j, idens]
# un = normal velocity; ut = transverse velocity
iun = -1
if idir == 1:
un_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
iun = ixmom
un_l = U_l[i, j, iymom] / rho_l
ut_l = U_l[i, j, ixmom] / rho_l
iun = iymom
rhoe_l = U_l[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_l * (un_l**2 + ut_l**2)
p_l = rhoe_l * (gamma - 1.0)
p_l = max(p_l, smallp)
rho_r = U_r[i, j, idens]
if idir == 1:
un_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
un_r = U_r[i, j, iymom] / rho_r
ut_r = U_r[i, j, ixmom] / rho_r
rhoe_r = U_r[i, j, iener] - 0.5 * rho_r * (un_r**2 + ut_r**2)
p_r = rhoe_r * (gamma - 1.0)
p_r = max(p_r, smallp)
# compute the sound speeds
c_l = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_l / rho_l))
c_r = max(smallc, np.sqrt(gamma * p_r / rho_r))
S_l, S_r = estimate_wave_speed(rho_l, un_l, p_l, c_l,
rho_r, un_r, p_r, c_r, gamma)
# We could just take S_c = u_star as the estimate for the
# contact speed, but we can actually do this more accurately
# by using the Rankine-Hugonoit jump conditions across each
# of the waves (see Toro 2009 Eq, 10.37, Batten et al. SIAM
# J. Sci. and Stat. Comp., 18:1553 (1997)
S_c = (p_r - p_l +
rho_l * un_l * (S_l - un_l) -
rho_r * un_r * (S_r - un_r)) / \
(rho_l * (S_l - un_l) - rho_r * (S_r - un_r))
# D* is used to control the pressure addition to the star flux
D_star[iun] = 1.0
D_star[iener] = S_c
# compute the fluxes corresponding to the left and right states
U_state_l = U_l[i, j, :]
F_l = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
U_state_r = U_r[i, j, :]
F_r = consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
# compute the star pressure with the low Mach correction
# Minoshima & Miyoshi (2021) Eq. 23. This is actually averaging
# the left and right pressures (see also Toro 2009 Eq. 10.42)
vmag_l = np.sqrt(un_l**2 + ut_l**2)
vmag_r = np.sqrt(un_r**2 + ut_r**2)
cs_max = max(c_l, c_r)
chi = min(1.0, max(vmag_l, vmag_r) / cs_max)
phi = chi * (2.0 - chi)
pstar_lr = 0.5 * (p_l + p_r) + \
0.5 * phi * (rho_l * (S_l - un_l) * (S_c - un_l) +
rho_r * (S_r - un_r) * (S_c - un_r))
# figure out which region we are in and compute the state and
# the interface fluxes using the HLLC Riemann solver
if S_r <= 0.0:
# R region
F[i, j, :] = F_r[:]
elif S_c <= 0.0 < S_r:
# R* region
F[i, j, :] = (S_c * (S_r * U_state_r - F_r) + S_r * pstar_lr * D_star) / (S_r - S_c)
elif S_l < 0.0 < S_c:
# L* region
F[i, j, :] = (S_c * (S_l * U_state_l - F_l) + S_l * pstar_lr * D_star) / (S_l - S_c)
# L region
F[i, j, :] = F_l[:]
# we should deal with solid boundaries somehow here
return F
def riemann_flux(idir, U_l, U_r, my_data, rp, ivars,
lower_solid, upper_solid, tc, return_cons=False):
This is the general interface that constructs the unsplit fluxes through
the idir (1 for x, 2 for y) interfaces using the left and right
conserved states by using the riemann solver.
U_l, U_r: ndarray, ndarray
Conserved states in the left and right interface
my_data : CellCenterData2d object
The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that
we are advecting.
rp : RuntimeParameters object
The runtime parameters for the simulation
ivars : Variables object
The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which
lower_solid, upper_solid : int
Are we at lower or upper solid boundaries?
tc : TimerCollection object
The timers we are using to profile
return_cons: Boolean
If we don't use HLLC Riemann solver, do we also return conserved states?
F : ndarray
Fluxes in x or y direction
U: ndarray
Conserved states in x or y direction
tm_riem = tc.timer("riemann")
myg = my_data.grid
riemann_method = rp.get_param("compressible.riemann")
gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma")
riemann_solvers = {"HLLC": riemann_hllc,
"HLLC_lm": riemann_hllc_lowspeed,
"CGF": riemann_cgf}
if riemann_method not in riemann_solvers:"ERROR: Riemann solver undefined")
riemannFunc = riemann_solvers[riemann_method]
# This returns Flux in idir direction if we use HLLC
# and conserved states otherwise
_u = riemannFunc(idir,,
ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom,
ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
lower_solid, upper_solid,
gamma, U_l, U_r)
# If riemann_method is not HLLC, then construct flux using conserved states
if riemann_method not in ["HLLC", "HLLC_lm"]:
_f = consFlux(idir, myg.coord_type, gamma,
ivars.idens, ivars.ixmom, ivars.iymom,
ivars.iener, ivars.irhox, ivars.naux,
# If riemann_method is HLLC, then its already flux
_f = _u
F = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_f, grid=myg)
if riemann_method not in ["HLLC", "HLLC_lm"] and return_cons:
U = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=_u, grid=myg)
return F, U
return F
def consFlux(idir, coord_type, gamma,
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX, nspec,
Calculate the conservative flux.
idir : int
Are we predicting to the edges in the x-direction (1) or y-direction (2)?
gamma : float
Adiabatic index
idens, ixmom, iymom, iener, irhoX : int
The indices of the density, x-momentum, y-momentum, internal energy density
and species partial densities in the conserved state vector.
nspec : int
The number of species
U_state : ndarray
Conserved state vector.
out : ndarray
Conserved flux
F = np.zeros_like(U_state)
if U_state.ndim == 1:
u = 0.0
v = 0.0
if U_state[idens] != 0.0:
u = U_state[ixmom] / U_state[idens]
v = U_state[iymom] / U_state[idens]
u = np.zeros_like(U_state[..., ixmom])
v = np.zeros_like(U_state[..., iymom])
for i in range(U_state.shape[0]):
for j in range(U_state.shape[1]):
if U_state[i, j, idens] != 0.0:
u[i, j] = U_state[i, j, ixmom] / U_state[i, j, idens]
v[i, j] = U_state[i, j, iymom] / U_state[i, j, idens]
p = (U_state[..., iener] - 0.5 * U_state[..., idens] * (u * u + v * v)) * (gamma - 1.0)
if idir == 1:
F[..., idens] = U_state[..., idens] * u
F[..., ixmom] = U_state[..., ixmom] * u
# if Cartesian2d, then add pressure to xmom flux
if coord_type == 0:
F[..., ixmom] += p
F[..., iymom] = U_state[..., iymom] * u
F[..., iener] = (U_state[..., iener] + p) * u
if nspec > 0:
F[..., irhoX:irhoX + nspec] = U_state[..., irhoX:irhoX + nspec] * u
F[..., idens] = U_state[..., idens] * v
F[..., ixmom] = U_state[..., ixmom] * v
F[..., iymom] = U_state[..., iymom] * v
# if Cartesian2d, then add pressure to ymom flux
if coord_type == 0:
F[..., iymom] += p
F[..., iener] = (U_state[..., iener] + p) * v
if nspec > 0:
F[..., irhoX:irhoX + nspec] = U_state[..., irhoX:irhoX + nspec] * v
return F