Error Measurement of the advection_fv4
We can test the advection_fv4
solver by running the smooth
test problem (a Gaussian profile) for one period (with \(u = v = 1\)) and comparing the final profile to the initial conditions. Linear advection should not alter the shape, so any difference is the error in the method.
from pyro import Pyro
We’ll run at several resolutions and keep track of the error for each
nzones = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]
err = []
We need to bump up the number of steps in the simulation to ensure the higher resolution runs finish.
params_all = {"driver.cfl": 0.5, "driver.max_steps": 5000}
Now we’ll loop over resolutions, setup the problem and store the initial conditions, evolve, and the compute the error compared to the initial conditions.
for N in nzones:
params = {"mesh.nx": N, "mesh.ny": N}
p = Pyro("advection_fv4")
p.initialize_problem(problem_name="smooth", inputs_dict=params|params_all)
a_init = p.get_var("density").copy()
print(f"N = {N}, number of steps = {p.sim.n}")
a = p.get_var("density")
err.append((a - a_init).norm())
N = 16, number of steps = 64
N = 32, number of steps = 128
N = 64, number of steps = 256
N = 128, number of steps = 512
N = 256, number of steps = 1024
Here are the errors–we see that the error is decreasing by a factor of ~ 16 as we double the number of zones, as expected for the 4th order method.
Let’s plot the convergence, along with a line indicating ideal 4th order convergence.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(nzones, err, "x")
ax.loglog([nzones[0], nzones[-1]],
[err[0], err[0] * (nzones[0] / nzones[-1])**4], ls=":")
ax.set_xlabel("number of zones")
ax.set_xlim(10, 500)
(10, 500)

At the lowest resolution, we are not really resolving the initial conditions well, so the convergence from 16 to 32 zones is not ideal. The points at N > 32 follow the ideal scaling trend well.