Analysis routines

Analysis routines#

In addition to the main pyro program, there are many analysis tools that we describe here. Note: some problems write a report at the end of the simulation specifying the analysis routines that can be used with their data.

  • this takes two simulation output files as input and compares zone-by-zone for exact agreement. This is used as part of the regression testing.

    usage: ./ file1 file2

  • this takes an output file as input and plots the data using the solver’s dovis method. It deduces the solver from the attributes stored in the HDF5 file.

    usage: ./ file

  • analysis/

    • this compares two files with different resolutions (one a factor of N-times, (default is 2 times or N=2) finer than the other). It coarsens the finer data and then computes the norm of the difference. The default variable being compared is density, but a different variable can be selected with the var_name argument. This is used to test the convergence of solvers.

      usage: ./ fine_file coarse_file var_name N

    • this compares 3 or more files with different resolutions (factor of N-times (default is 2 times) finer than the others) by using It prints out a table that summarizes the L-2 Norm of all the variables by coarsening the finer data and comparing it to the coarse data, as well as the order of convergence between the L-2 Norms. It also produces a plot in the end to compare the theoretical order of convergence to the actual order of convergence from the datasets. The data files should enter from the finest file to the coarsest file. There should be at least 3 files, fine_file med_file coarse_file. The output file name for the convergence plot, out = convergence_plot.pdf, by default. The theoretical order of convergence for the solver, order=2, by default. The multiplicative factor between each data files are, resolution=2, by default. This is used to test the order of the convergence of the solver when there is no analytical solutions.

      usage: ./ files* -o out -n order -r resolution

    • this takes an output file from the shallow water dam break problem and plots a slice through the domain together with the analytic solution (calculated in the script).

      usage: ./ file

    • this is for the diffusion solver’s Gaussian diffusion problem. It takes a sequence of output files as arguments, computes the angle-average, and the plots the resulting points over the analytic solution for comparison with the exact result.

      usage: ./ file*

    • this is for the incompressible solver’s converge problem. This takes a single output file as input and compares the velocity field to the analytic solution, reporting the L2 norm of the error.

      usage: ./ file

    • this takes a single output file and a variable name and plots the data for that variable.

      usage: ./ file variable

    • this takes an output file from the compressible Sedov problem, computes the angle-average profile of the solution and plots it together with the analytic data (read in from cylindrical-sedov.out).

      usage: ./ file

    • this takes an output file from the advection solver’s smooth problem and compares to the analytic solution, outputting the L2 norm of the error.

      usage: ./ file

    • this takes an output file from the compressible Sod problem and plots a slice through the domain over the analytic solution (read in from sod-exact.out).

      usage: ./ file