"""Support for computing limited differences needed in reconstruction
of slopes in constructing interface states."""
import sys
import numpy as np
def limit(data, myg, idir, limiter):
""" a single driver that calls the different limiters based on the value
of the limiter input variable."""
if limiter == 0:
return nolimit(data, myg, idir)
if limiter == 1:
return limit2(data, myg, idir)
return limit4(data, myg, idir)
def well_balance(q, myg, limiter, iv, grav):
"""subtract off the hydrostatic pressure before limiting. Note, this
only considers the y direction."""
if limiter != 1:
sys.exit("well-balanced only works for limiter == 1")
p1 = myg.scratch_array()
p1_jp1 = myg.scratch_array()
p1_jm1 = myg.scratch_array()
p1.v(buf=4)[:, :] = 0.0
p1_jp1.v(buf=3)[:, :] = q.jp(1, buf=3, n=iv.ip) - (q.v(buf=3, n=iv.ip) +
0.5*myg.dy*(q.v(buf=3, n=iv.irho) + q.jp(1, buf=3, n=iv.irho))*grav)
p1_jm1.v(buf=3)[:, :] = q.jp(-1, buf=3, n=iv.ip) - (q.v(buf=3, n=iv.ip) -
0.5*myg.dy*(q.v(buf=3, n=iv.irho) + q.jp(-1, buf=3, n=iv.irho))*grav)
# now limit p1 using these -- this is the 2nd order MC limiter
lda_tmp = myg.scratch_array()
dc = myg.scratch_array()
dl = myg.scratch_array()
dr = myg.scratch_array()
dc.v(buf=2)[:, :] = 0.5*(p1_jp1.v(buf=2) - p1_jm1.v(buf=2))
dl.v(buf=2)[:, :] = p1_jp1.v(buf=2) - p1.v(buf=2)
dr.v(buf=2)[:, :] = p1.v(buf=2) - p1_jm1.v(buf=2)
d1 = 2.0*np.where(np.fabs(dl) < np.fabs(dr), dl, dr)
dt = np.where(np.fabs(dc) < np.fabs(d1), dc, d1)
lda_tmp.v(buf=myg.ng)[:, :] = np.where(dl*dr > 0.0, dt, 0.0)
return lda_tmp
def nolimit(a, myg, idir):
""" just a centered difference without any limiting """
lda = myg.scratch_array()
if idir == 1:
lda.v(buf=2)[:, :] = 0.5*(a.ip(1, buf=2) - a.ip(-1, buf=2))
elif idir == 2:
lda.v(buf=2)[:, :] = 0.5*(a.jp(1, buf=2) - a.jp(-1, buf=2))
return lda
def limit2(a, myg, idir):
""" 2nd order monotonized central difference limiter """
lda = myg.scratch_array()
dc = myg.scratch_array()
dl = myg.scratch_array()
dr = myg.scratch_array()
if idir == 1:
dc.v(buf=2)[:, :] = 0.5*(a.ip(1, buf=2) - a.ip(-1, buf=2))
dl.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.ip(1, buf=2) - a.v(buf=2)
dr.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.v(buf=2) - a.ip(-1, buf=2)
elif idir == 2:
dc.v(buf=2)[:, :] = 0.5*(a.jp(1, buf=2) - a.jp(-1, buf=2))
dl.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.jp(1, buf=2) - a.v(buf=2)
dr.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.v(buf=2) - a.jp(-1, buf=2)
d1 = 2.0*np.where(np.fabs(dl) < np.fabs(dr), dl, dr)
dt = np.where(np.fabs(dc) < np.fabs(d1), dc, d1)
lda.v(buf=myg.ng)[:, :] = np.where(dl*dr > 0.0, dt, 0.0)
return lda
def limit4(a, myg, idir):
""" 4th order monotonized central difference limiter """
lda_tmp = limit2(a, myg, idir)
lda = myg.scratch_array()
dc = myg.scratch_array()
dl = myg.scratch_array()
dr = myg.scratch_array()
if idir == 1:
dc.v(buf=2)[:, :] = (2./3.)*(a.ip(1, buf=2) - a.ip(-1, buf=2) -
0.25*(lda_tmp.ip(1, buf=2) + lda_tmp.ip(-1, buf=2)))
dl.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.ip(1, buf=2) - a.v(buf=2)
dr.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.v(buf=2) - a.ip(-1, buf=2)
elif idir == 2:
dc.v(buf=2)[:, :] = (2./3.)*(a.jp(1, buf=2) - a.jp(-1, buf=2) -
0.25*(lda_tmp.jp(1, buf=2) + lda_tmp.jp(-1, buf=2)))
dl.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.jp(1, buf=2) - a.v(buf=2)
dr.v(buf=2)[:, :] = a.v(buf=2) - a.jp(-1, buf=2)
d1 = 2.0*np.where(np.fabs(dl) < np.fabs(dr), dl, dr)
dt = np.where(np.fabs(dc) < np.fabs(d1), dc, d1)
lda.v(buf=myg.ng)[:, :] = np.where(dl*dr > 0.0, dt, 0.0)
return lda
def flatten(myg, q, idir, ivars, rp):
""" compute the 1-d flattening coefficients """
xi = myg.scratch_array()
z = myg.scratch_array()
t1 = myg.scratch_array()
t2 = myg.scratch_array()
delta = rp.get_param("compressible.delta")
z0 = rp.get_param("compressible.z0")
z1 = rp.get_param("compressible.z1")
smallp = 1.e-10
if idir == 1:
t1.v(buf=2)[:, :] = abs(q.ip(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.ip(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
t2.v(buf=2)[:, :] = abs(q.ip(2, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.ip(-2, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
z[:, :] = t1/np.maximum(t2, smallp)
t2.v(buf=2)[:, :] = t1.v(buf=2)/np.minimum(q.ip(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2),
q.ip(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
t1.v(buf=2)[:, :] = q.ip(-1, n=ivars.iu, buf=2) - q.ip(1, n=ivars.iu, buf=2)
elif idir == 2:
t1.v(buf=2)[:, :] = abs(q.jp(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.jp(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
t2.v(buf=2)[:, :] = abs(q.jp(2, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.jp(-2, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
z[:, :] = t1/np.maximum(t2, smallp)
t2.v(buf=2)[:, :] = t1.v(buf=2)/np.minimum(q.jp(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2),
q.jp(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2))
t1.v(buf=2)[:, :] = q.jp(-1, n=ivars.iv, buf=2) - q.jp(1, n=ivars.iv, buf=2)
xi.v(buf=myg.ng)[:, :] = np.minimum(1.0, np.maximum(0.0, 1.0 - (z - z0)/(z1 - z0)))
xi[:, :] = np.where(np.logical_and(t1 > 0.0, t2 > delta), xi, 1.0)
return xi
def flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars):
""" compute the multidimensional flattening coefficient """
xi = myg.scratch_array()
px = np.where(q.ip(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.ip(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) > 0,
xi_x.ip(-1, buf=2), xi_x.ip(1, buf=2))
py = np.where(q.jp(1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) -
q.jp(-1, n=ivars.ip, buf=2) > 0,
xi_y.jp(-1, buf=2), xi_y.jp(1, buf=2))
xi.v(buf=2)[:, :] = np.minimum(np.minimum(xi_x.v(buf=2), px),
np.minimum(xi_y.v(buf=2), py))
return xi
# Constants for the WENO reconstruction
# NOTE: integer division laziness means this WILL fail on python2
C_3 = np.array([1, 2]) / 3
a_3 = np.array([[3, -1],
[1, 1]]) / 2
sigma_3 = np.array([[[1, 0],
[-2, 1]],
[[1, 0],
[-2, 1]]])
C_5 = np.array([1, 6, 3]) / 10
a_5 = np.array([[11, -7, 2],
[2, 5, -1],
[-1, 5, 2]]) / 6
sigma_5 = np.array([[[40, 0, 0],
[-124, 100, 0],
[44, -76, 16]],
[[16, 0, 0],
[-52, 52, 0],
[20, -52, 16]],
[[16, 0, 0],
[-76, 100, 0],
[44, -124, 40]]]) / 12
C_all = {2: C_3,
3: C_5}
a_all = {2: a_3,
3: a_5}
sigma_all = {2: sigma_3,
3: sigma_5}
def weno_upwind(q, order):
Perform upwinded (left biased) WENO reconstruction
q : np array
input data
order : int
WENO order (k)
q_plus : np array
data reconstructed to the right
a = a_all[order]
C = C_all[order]
sigma = sigma_all[order]
epsilon = 1e-16
alpha = np.zeros(order)
beta = np.zeros(order)
q_stencils = np.zeros(order)
for k in range(order):
for l in range(order):
for m in range(l+1):
beta[k] += sigma[k, l, m] * q[order-1+k-l] * q[order-1+k-m]
alpha[k] = C[k] / (epsilon + beta[k]**2)
for l in range(order):
q_stencils[k] += a[k, l] * q[order-1+k-l]
w = alpha / np.sum(alpha)
return np.dot(w, q_stencils)
def weno(q, order):
Perform WENO reconstruction
q : np array
input data with 3 ghost zones
order : int
WENO order (k)
q_plus, q_minus : np array
data reconstructed to the right / left respectively
Npoints = q.shape
q_minus = np.zeros_like(q)
q_plus = np.zeros_like(q)
for i in range(order, Npoints-order):
q_plus[i] = weno_upwind(q[i+1-order:i+order], order)
q_minus[i] = weno_upwind(q[i+order-1:i-order:-1], order)
return q_minus, q_plus