"""basic syntax of the parameter file is::
# simple parameter file
nsteps = 100 ; comment
max_time = 0.25
tol = 1.e-10
max_iter = 10
basename = myfile_
The recommended way to use this is for the code to have a master list
of parameters and their defaults (e.g. _defaults), and then the user
can override these defaults at runtime through an inputs file. These
two files have the same format.
The calling sequence would then be::
rp = RuntimeParameters()
The parser will determine what datatype the parameter is (string,
integer, float), and store it in a RuntimeParameters object. If a
parameter that already exists is encountered a second time (e.g.,
there is a default value in _defaults and the user specifies a new
value in inputs), then the second instance replaces the first.
Runtime parameters can then be accessed via any module through the
get_param method::
tol = rp.get_param('riemann.tol')
If the optional flag no_new=1 is set, then the load_params function
will not define any new parameters, but only overwrite existing ones.
This is useful for reading in an inputs file that overrides previously
read default values.
import os
import re
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
from pyro.util import msg
# some utility functions to automagically determine what the data
# types are
def is_int(string):
""" is the given string an integer? """
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def is_float(string):
""" is the given string a float? """
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def _get_val(value):
if is_int(value):
return int(value)
if is_float(value):
return float(value)
return value.strip()
class RuntimeParameters:
def __init__(self):
Initialize a collection of runtime parameters. This class
holds a dictionary of the parameters, their comments, and keeps
track of which parameters were actually used.
# keep track of the parameters and their comments
self.params = {}
self.param_comments = {}
# for debugging -- keep track of which parameters were
# actually looked- up
self.used_params = []
def load_params(self, pfile, *, no_new=False):
Reads line from file and makes dictionary pairs from the data
to store.
file : str
The name of the file to parse
no_new : int, optional
If no_new = 1, then we don't add any new parameters to the
dictionary of runtime parameters, but instead just override
the values of existing ones.
# check to see whether the file exists
if not os.path.isfile(pfile):
pfile = str(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / pfile)
f = open(pfile)
except OSError:
msg.fail(f"ERROR: parameter file does not exist: {pfile}")
# we could use the ConfigParser, but we actually want to
# have our configuration files be self-documenting, of the
# format key = value ; comment
sec = re.compile(r'^\[(.*)\]')
eq = re.compile(r'^([^=#]+)=([^;]+);{0,1}(.*)')
for line in f.readlines():
if sec.search(line):
_, section, _ = sec.split(line)
section = section.strip().lower()
elif eq.search(line):
_, item, value, comment, _ = eq.split(line)
item = item.strip().lower()
# define the key
key = section + "." + item
# if we have no_new = 1, then we only want to override existing
# key/values
if no_new:
if key not in self.params:
msg.warning("warning, key: %s not defined" % (key))
self.params[key] = _get_val(value)
# if the comment already exists (i.e. from reading in
# _defaults) and we are just resetting the value of
# the parameter (i.e. from reading in inputs), then
# we don't want to destroy the comment
if comment.strip() == "":
comment = self.param_comments[key]
except KeyError:
comment = ""
self.param_comments[key] = comment.strip()
def get_param(self, key):
returns the value of the runtime parameter corresponding to the
input key
if not self.params:
msg.warning("WARNING: runtime parameters not yet initialized")
# debugging
if key not in self.used_params:
if key in self.params:
return self.params[key]
raise KeyError(f"ERROR: runtime parameter {key} not found")
def set_param(self, key, value, *, no_new=True):
manually set one of the existing runtime parameters
if not self.params:
msg.warning("WARNING: runtime parameters not yet initialized")
if no_new and key in self.params:
self.params[key] = value
if not no_new:
self.params[key] = value
self.param_comments[key] = ""
raise KeyError(f"ERROR: runtime parameter {key} not found")
def print_unused_params(self):
Print out the list of parameters that were defined by never used
for key in self.params:
if key not in self.used_params:
msg.warning("parameter %s never used" % (key))
def print_all_params(self):
Print out all runtime parameters and their values
for key in sorted(self.params.keys()):
print(key, "=", self.params[key])
print(" ")
def write_params(self, f):
Write the runtime parameters to an HDF5 file. Here, f is the
h5py file object
grp = f.create_group("runtime parameters")
keys = self.params.keys()
for key in sorted(keys):
grp.attrs[key] = self.params[key]
def __str__(self):
ostr = ""
for key in sorted(self.params.keys()):
ostr += f"{key} = {self.params[key]}\n"
return ostr
def print_paramfile(self):
Create a file, inputs.auto, that has the structure of a pyro
inputs file, with all known parameters and values
all_keys = list(self.params.keys())
f = open('inputs.auto', 'w')
except OSError:
msg.fail("ERROR: unable to open inputs.auto")
f.write('# automagically generated parameter file\n')
# find all the sections
secs = {q for (q, _) in [k.split(".") for k in all_keys]}
for sec in sorted(secs):
keys = [q for q in all_keys if q.startswith(f"{sec}.")]
for key in keys:
_, option = key.split('.')
value = self.params[key]
if self.param_comments[key] != '':
f.write(f"{option} = {value} ; {self.param_comments[key]}\n")
f.write(f"{option} = {value}\n")
def print_sphinx_tables(self, outfile="params-sphinx.inc"):
"""Output Sphinx-formatted tables for inclusion in the documentation.
The table columns will be: param, default, description.
all_keys = list(self.params.keys())
f = open(outfile, 'w')
except OSError:
msg.fail("ERROR: unable to open inputs.auto")
# find all the sections
secs = {q for (q, _) in [k.split(".") for k in all_keys]}
heading = " +=" + 36*"=" + "=+=" + 16*"=" + "=+=" + 50*"=" + "=+" + "\n"
separator = " +-" + 36*"-" + "-+-" + 16*"-" + "-+-" + 50*"-" + "-+" + "\n"
entry = " | {:36} | {:16} | {:50} |\n"
for sec in sorted(secs):
keys = [q for q in all_keys if q.startswith(f"{sec}.")]
head = f"* section: ``[{sec.strip()}]``"
f.write(entry.format("option", "value", "description"))
for key in keys:
_, option = key.split('.')
descr = textwrap.wrap(self.param_comments[key].strip(), 50)
if len(descr) == 0:
descr = [" "]
f.write(entry.format("``"+option+"``", f"``{str(self.params[key]).strip()}``",
if len(descr) > 1:
for line in descr[1:]:
f.write(entry.format("", "", line))
if __name__ == "__main__":
rp = RuntimeParameters()