Source code for pyro.test

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import contextlib
import datetime
import io
import os
import sys
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pathlib import Path

import pyro.pyro_sim as pyro
from pyro.multigrid.examples import (mg_test_general_inhomogeneous,
                                     mg_test_simple, mg_test_vc_dirichlet,

[docs] class PyroTest: def __init__(self, solver, problem, inputs, options): self.solver = solver self.problem = problem self.inputs = inputs self.options = options def __str__(self): return f"{self.solver}-{self.problem}"
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def avoid_interleaved_output(nproc): """Collect all the printed output and print it all at once to avoid interleaving.""" if nproc == 1: # not running in parallel, so we don't have to worry about interleaving yield else: output_buffer = io.StringIO() try: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(output_buffer), \ contextlib.redirect_stderr(output_buffer): yield finally: # a single print call probably won't get interleaved print(output_buffer.getvalue(), end="", flush=True)
[docs] def run_test(t, reset_fails, store_all_benchmarks, rtol, nproc): orig_cwd = Path.cwd() # run each test in its own directory, since some of the output file names # overlap between tests, and h5py needs exclusive access when writing test_dir = orig_cwd / f"test_outputs/{t}" test_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: os.chdir(test_dir) with avoid_interleaved_output(nproc): p = pyro.PyroBenchmark(t.solver, comp_bench=True, reset_bench_on_fail=reset_fails, make_bench=store_all_benchmarks) p.initialize_problem(t.problem, inputs_file=t.inputs, inputs_dict=t.options) err = p.run_sim(rtol) finally: os.chdir(orig_cwd) if err == 0: # the test passed; clean up the output files for developer use basename = p.rp.get_param("io.basename") (test_dir / f"{basename}{p.sim.n:04d}.h5").unlink() (test_dir / "").unlink() test_dir.rmdir() # try removing the top-level output directory try: test_dir.parent.rmdir() except OSError: pass return str(t), err
[docs] def run_test_star(args): """multiprocessing doesn't like lambdas, so this needs to be a full function""" return run_test(*args)
[docs] def do_tests(out_file, reset_fails=False, store_all_benchmarks=False, single=None, solver=None, rtol=1e-12, nproc=1): opts = {"driver.verbose": 0, "vis.dovis": 0, "io.do_io": 0, "io.force_final_output": 1} results = {} tests = [] tests.append(PyroTest("advection", "smooth", "inputs.smooth", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("advection_nonuniform", "slotted", "inputs.slotted", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("advection_rk", "smooth", "inputs.smooth", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("advection_fv4", "smooth", "inputs.smooth", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("burgers", "test", "inputs.test", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible", "quad", "inputs.quad", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible", "sod", "inputs.sod.x", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible", "rt", "inputs.rt", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible_rk", "rt", "inputs.rt", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible_fv4", "acoustic_pulse", "inputs.acoustic_pulse", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("compressible_sdc", "acoustic_pulse", "inputs.acoustic_pulse", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("diffusion", "gaussian", "inputs.gaussian", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("incompressible", "shear", "inputs.shear", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("incompressible_viscous", "cavity", "inputs.cavity", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("lm_atm", "bubble", "inputs.bubble", opts)) tests.append(PyroTest("swe", "dam", "inputs.dam.x", opts)) if single is not None: tests_to_run = [q for q in tests if str(q) == single] elif solver is not None: tests_to_run = [q for q in tests if q.solver == solver] else: tests_to_run = tests if nproc == 0: nproc = os.cpu_count() # don't create more processes than needed nproc = min(nproc, len(tests_to_run)) with Pool(processes=nproc) as pool: tasks = ((t, reset_fails, store_all_benchmarks, rtol, nproc) for t in tests_to_run) imap_it = pool.imap_unordered(run_test_star, tasks) # collect run results for name, err in imap_it: results[name] = err # standalone tests if single is None and solver is None: bench_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/multigrid/tests/" err = mg_test_simple.test_poisson_dirichlet(256, comp_bench=True, bench_dir=bench_dir, store_bench=store_all_benchmarks, verbose=0) results["mg_poisson_dirichlet"] = err err = mg_test_vc_dirichlet.test_vc_poisson_dirichlet(512, comp_bench=True, bench_dir=bench_dir, store_bench=store_all_benchmarks, verbose=0) results["mg_vc_poisson_dirichlet"] = err err = mg_test_vc_periodic.test_vc_poisson_periodic(512, comp_bench=True, bench_dir=bench_dir, store_bench=store_all_benchmarks, verbose=0) results["mg_vc_poisson_periodic"] = err err = mg_test_general_inhomogeneous.test_general_poisson_inhomogeneous(512, comp_bench=True, bench_dir=bench_dir, store_bench=store_all_benchmarks, verbose=0) results["mg_general_poisson_inhomogeneous"] = err failed = 0 out = [sys.stdout] if out_file is not None: out.append(open(out_file, "w")) for f in out: f.write("pyro tests run: {}\n\n".format( str( for s, r in sorted(results.items()): if not r == 0: f.write(f"{s:42} failed\n") failed += 1 else: f.write(f"{s:42} passed\n") f.write(f"\n{failed} test(s) failed\n") if f != sys.stdout: f.close() return failed
[docs] def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--outfile", "-o", help="name of file to output the report to (in addition to the screen)", type=str, default=None) p.add_argument("--single", help="name of a single test (solver-problem) to run", type=str, default=None) p.add_argument("--solver", help="only test the solver specified", type=str, default=None) p.add_argument("--reset_failures", "-r", help="if a test fails, reset the benchmark", action="store_true") p.add_argument("--store_all_benchmarks", help="rewrite all the benchmarks, regardless of pass / fail", action="store_true") p.add_argument("--rtol", help="relative tolerance to use when comparing data to benchmarks", type=float, default=1.e-12) p.add_argument("--nproc", "-n", help="maximum number of parallel processes to run, or 0 to use all cores", type=int, default=1) args = p.parse_args() failed = do_tests(args.outfile, reset_fails=args.reset_failures, store_all_benchmarks=args.store_all_benchmarks, single=args.single, solver=args.solver, rtol=args.rtol, nproc=args.nproc) sys.exit(failed)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()