Source code for pyro.swe.problems.acoustic_pulse

import numpy as np

from pyro.util import msg

DEFAULT_INPUTS = "inputs.acoustic_pulse"

PROBLEM_PARAMS = {"acoustic_pulse.h0": 1.4,
                  "acoustic_pulse.dh0": 0.14}

[docs] def init_data(myd, rp): """initialize the acoustic_pulse problem. This comes from McCourquodale & Coella 2011""" if rp.get_param("driver.verbose"): msg.bold("initializing the acoustic pulse problem...") # get the height, momenta as separate variables h = myd.get_var("height") xmom = myd.get_var("x-momentum") ymom = myd.get_var("y-momentum") X = myd.get_var("fuel") # initialize the components xmom[:, :] = 0.0 ymom[:, :] = 0.0 h0 = rp.get_param("acoustic_pulse.h0") dh0 = rp.get_param("acoustic_pulse.dh0") xmin = rp.get_param("mesh.xmin") xmax = rp.get_param("mesh.xmax") ymin = rp.get_param("mesh.ymin") ymax = rp.get_param("mesh.ymax") xctr = 0.5*(xmin + xmax) yctr = 0.5*(ymin + ymax) dist = np.sqrt((myd.grid.x2d - xctr)**2 + (myd.grid.y2d - yctr)**2) h[:, :] = h0 idx = dist <= 0.5 h[idx] = h0 + dh0*np.exp(-16*dist[idx]**2) * np.cos(np.pi*dist[idx])**6 X[:, :] = h[:, :]**2 / np.max(h)
[docs] def finalize(): """ print out any information to the user at the end of the run """