Source code for pyro.simulation_null

import h5py
import numpy as np

import pyro.mesh.boundary as bnd
import pyro.util.profile_pyro as profile
from pyro.mesh import patch
from pyro.util import msg

[docs] def grid_setup(rp, ng=1): nx = rp.get_param("mesh.nx") ny = rp.get_param("mesh.ny") try: xmin = rp.get_param("mesh.xmin") except KeyError: xmin = 0.0 msg.warning("mesh.xmin not set, defaulting to 0.0") try: xmax = rp.get_param("mesh.xmax") except KeyError: xmax = 1.0 msg.warning("mesh.xmax not set, defaulting to 1.0") try: ymin = rp.get_param("mesh.ymin") except KeyError: ymin = 0.0 msg.warning("mesh.ymin not set, defaulting to 0.0") try: ymax = rp.get_param("mesh.ymax") except KeyError: ymax = 1.0 msg.warning("mesh.ymax not set, defaulting to 1.0") try: grid_type = rp.get_param("mesh.grid_type") except KeyError: grid_type = "Cartesian2d" msg.warning("mesh.grid_type not set, defaulting to Cartesian2D") if grid_type == "Cartesian2d": create_grid = patch.Cartesian2d elif grid_type == "SphericalPolar": create_grid = patch.SphericalPolar else: raise ValueError("Unsupported grid type!") my_grid = create_grid(nx, ny, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, ng=ng) # Make sure y-boundary condition is reflect when # ymin = 0 and ymax = pi if grid_type == "SphericalPolar": if ymin <= 0.05: rp.set_param("mesh.ylboundary", "reflect") msg.warning("With SphericalPolar grid," + " mesh.ylboundary auto set to reflect when ymin ~ 0") if abs(np.pi - ymax) <= 0.05: rp.set_param("mesh.yrboundary", "reflect") msg.warning("With SphericalPolar grid," + " mesh.yrboundary auto set to reflect when ymax ~ pi") return my_grid
[docs] def bc_setup(rp): # first figure out the BCs try: xlb_type = rp.get_param("mesh.xlboundary") except KeyError: xlb_type = "periodic" msg.warning("mesh.xlboundary is not set, defaulting to periodic") try: xrb_type = rp.get_param("mesh.xrboundary") except KeyError: xrb_type = "periodic" msg.warning("mesh.xrboundary is not set, defaulting to periodic") try: ylb_type = rp.get_param("mesh.ylboundary") except KeyError: ylb_type = "periodic" msg.warning("mesh.ylboundary is not set, defaulting to periodic") try: yrb_type = rp.get_param("mesh.yrboundary") except KeyError: yrb_type = "periodic" msg.warning("mesh.yrboundary is not set, defaulting to periodic") bc = bnd.BC(xlb=xlb_type, xrb=xrb_type, ylb=ylb_type, yrb=yrb_type) # if we are reflecting, we need odd reflection in the normal # directions for the velocity bc_xodd = bnd.BC(xlb=xlb_type, xrb=xrb_type, ylb=ylb_type, yrb=yrb_type, odd_reflect_dir="x") bc_yodd = bnd.BC(xlb=xlb_type, xrb=xrb_type, ylb=ylb_type, yrb=yrb_type, odd_reflect_dir="y") return bc, bc_xodd, bc_yodd
[docs] class NullSimulation: def __init__(self, solver_name, problem_name, problem_func, rp, *, problem_finalize_func=None, problem_source_func=None, timers=None, data_class=patch.CellCenterData2d): """ Initialize the Simulation object Parameters ---------- solver_name : str The name of the solver we are using problem_name : str The descriptive name for the problem (used in output) problem_func : function The function to call to initialize the problem rp : RuntimeParameters object The runtime parameters for the simulation problem_finalize_func : function An (optional) function to call when the simulation is over. problem_source_func : function An (optional) function to call to get source terms for the state. timers : TimerCollection object, optional The timers used for profiling this simulation. data_class : CellCenterData2d or FV2d The class that manages the data. """ self.n = 0 self.dt = -1.e33 self.dt_old = -1.e33 self.data_class = data_class try: self.tmax = rp.get_param("driver.tmax") except (AttributeError, KeyError): self.tmax = None try: self.max_steps = rp.get_param("driver.max_steps") except (AttributeError, KeyError): self.max_steps = None self.rp = rp self.cc_data = None self.particles = None self.SMALL = 1.e-12 self.solver_name = solver_name self.problem_name = problem_name self.problem_func = problem_func self.problem_finalize = problem_finalize_func self.problem_source = problem_source_func if timers is None: = profile.TimerCollection() else: = timers try: self.verbose = self.rp.get_param("driver.verbose") except (AttributeError, KeyError): self.verbose = 0 self.n_num_out = 0 # plotting = "viridis" def __str__(self): ostr = "pyro Simulation:\n" ostr += f" solver: {self.solver_name}\n" ostr += f" problem: {self.problem_name}\n" return ostr
[docs] def finished(self): """ is the simulation finished based on time or the number of steps """ return self.cc_data.t >= self.tmax or self.n >= self.max_steps
[docs] def do_output(self): """ is it time to output? """ dt_out = self.rp.get_param("io.dt_out") n_out = self.rp.get_param("io.n_out") do_io = self.rp.get_param("io.do_io") is_time = self.cc_data.t >= (self.n_num_out + 1)*dt_out or self.n % n_out == 0 if is_time and do_io == 1: self.n_num_out += 1 return True return False
[docs] def initialize(self): pass
[docs] def method_compute_timestep(self): """ the method-specific timestep code """
[docs] def compute_timestep(self): """ a generic wrapper for computing the timestep that respects the driver parameters on timestepping """ init_tstep_factor = self.rp.get_param("driver.init_tstep_factor") max_dt_change = self.rp.get_param("driver.max_dt_change") fix_dt = self.rp.get_param("driver.fix_dt") # get the timestep if fix_dt > 0.0: self.dt = fix_dt else: self.method_compute_timestep() if self.n == 0: self.dt = init_tstep_factor*self.dt else: self.dt = min(max_dt_change*self.dt_old, self.dt) self.dt_old = self.dt if self.cc_data.t + self.dt > self.tmax: self.dt = self.tmax - self.cc_data.t
[docs] def preevolve(self): """ Do any necessary evolution before the main evolve loop. This is not needed for advection """
[docs] def evolve(self): # increment the time self.cc_data.t += self.dt self.n += 1
[docs] def dovis(self): pass
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Do any final clean-ups for the simulation and call the problem's finalize() method. """ if self.problem_finalize: self.problem_finalize()
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ Output the state of the simulation to an HDF5 file for plotting """ if not filename.endswith(".h5"): filename += ".h5" with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: # main attributes f.attrs["solver"] = self.solver_name f.attrs["problem"] = self.problem_name f.attrs["time"] = self.cc_data.t f.attrs["nsteps"] = self.n self.cc_data.write_data(f) if self.particles is not None: self.particles.write_particles(f) self.rp.write_params(f) self.write_extras(f)
[docs] def write_extras(self, f): """ write out any extra simulation-specific stuff """
[docs] def read_extras(self, f): """ read in any simulation-specific data from an h5py file object f """