Source code for pyro.multigrid.variable_coeff_MG

This multigrid solver is build from multigrid/ and implements
a variable coefficient solver for an equation of the form

.. math::

   \nabla\cdot { \eta \nabla \phi } = f

where :math:`\eta` is defined on the same grid as :math:`\phi`.

A cell-centered discretization is used throughout.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pyro.multigrid.edge_coeffs as ec
from pyro.multigrid import MG

np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=128)

[docs] class VarCoeffCCMG2d(MG.CellCenterMG2d): r""" this is a multigrid solver that supports variable coefficients we need to accept a coefficient array, coeffs, defined at each level. We can do this at the fine level and restrict it down the MG grids once. we need a new ``compute_residual()`` and ``smooth()`` function, that understands coeffs. """ def __init__(self, nx, ny, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, xl_BC_type="dirichlet", xr_BC_type="dirichlet", yl_BC_type="dirichlet", yr_BC_type="dirichlet", nsmooth=10, nsmooth_bottom=50, verbose=0, coeffs=None, coeffs_bc=None, true_function=None, vis=0, vis_title=""): # we'll keep a list of the coefficients averaged to the interfaces # on each level -- note: this will already be scaled by 1/dx**2 self.edge_coeffs = [] # initialize the MG object with the auxiliary "coeffs" field MG.CellCenterMG2d.__init__(self, nx, ny, ng=1, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, xl_BC_type=xl_BC_type, xr_BC_type=xr_BC_type, yl_BC_type=yl_BC_type, yr_BC_type=yr_BC_type, alpha=0.0, beta=0.0, nsmooth=nsmooth, nsmooth_bottom=nsmooth_bottom, verbose=verbose, aux_field=["coeffs"], aux_bc=[coeffs_bc], true_function=true_function, vis=vis, vis_title=vis_title) # set the coefficients and restrict them down the hierarchy # we only need to do this once. We need to hold the original # coeffs in our grid so we can do a ghost cell fill. c = self.grids[self.nlevels-1].get_var("coeffs") if c.g.nx != nx or c.g.ny != ny: raise IndexError("coefficient array not the same size as multigrid problem") c.v()[:, :] = coeffs.v().copy() self.grids[self.nlevels-1].fill_BC("coeffs") # put the coefficients on edges self.edge_coeffs.insert(0, ec.EdgeCoeffs(self.grids[self.nlevels-1].grid, c)) n = self.nlevels-2 while n >= 0: # create the edge coefficients on level n by restricting from the # finer grid f_patch = self.grids[n+1] c_patch = self.grids[n] coeffs_c = c_patch.get_var("coeffs") coeffs_c.v()[:, :] = f_patch.restrict("coeffs").v() self.grids[n].fill_BC("coeffs") # put the coefficients on edges self.edge_coeffs.insert(0, self.edge_coeffs[0].restrict()) # _EdgeCoeffs(self.grids[n].grid, coeffs_c)) # if we are periodic, then we should force the edge coefficients # to be periodic # if self.grids[n].BCs["coeffs"].xlb == "periodic": # self.edge_coeffs[0].x[self.grids[n].grid.ihi+1,:] = \ # self.edge_coeffs[0].x[self.grids[n].grid.ilo,:] # if self.grids[n].BCs["coeffs"].ylb == "periodic": # self.edge_coeffs[0].y[:,self.grids[n].grid.jhi+1] = \ # self.edge_coeffs[0].y[:,self.grids[n].grid.jlo] n -= 1
[docs] def smooth(self, level, nsmooth): """ Use red-black Gauss-Seidel iterations to smooth the solution at a given level. This is used at each stage of the V-cycle (up and down) in the MG solution, but it can also be called directly to solve the elliptic problem (although it will take many more iterations). Parameters ---------- level : int The level in the MG hierarchy to smooth the solution nsmooth : int The number of r-b Gauss-Seidel smoothing iterations to perform """ v = self.grids[level].get_var("v") f = self.grids[level].get_var("f") self.grids[level].fill_BC("v") eta_x = self.edge_coeffs[level].x eta_y = self.edge_coeffs[level].y # print( "min/max c: {}, {}".format(np.min(c), np.max(c))) # print( "min/max eta_x: {}, {}".format(np.min(eta_x), np.max(eta_x))) # print( "min/max eta_y: {}, {}".format(np.min(eta_y), np.max(eta_y))) # do red-black G-S for _ in range(nsmooth): # do the red black updating in four decoupled groups # # # | | | # --+-------+-------+-- # | | | # | 4 | 3 | # | | | # --+-------+-------+-- # | | | # jlo | 1 | 2 | # | | | # --+-------+-------+-- # | ilo | | # # groups 1 and 3 are done together, then we need to # fill ghost cells, and then groups 2 and 4 for n, (ix, iy) in enumerate([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]): denom = (eta_x.ip_jp(1+ix, iy, s=2) + eta_x.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2) + eta_y.ip_jp(ix, 1+iy, s=2) + eta_y.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2)) v.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2)[:, :] = (-f.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2) + # eta_{i+1/2,j} phi_{i+1,j} eta_x.ip_jp(1+ix, iy, s=2) * v.ip_jp(1+ix, iy, s=2) + # eta_{i-1/2,j} phi_{i-1,j} eta_x.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2) * v.ip_jp(-1+ix, iy, s=2) + # eta_{i,j+1/2} phi_{i,j+1} eta_y.ip_jp(ix, 1+iy, s=2) * v.ip_jp(ix, 1+iy, s=2) + # eta_{i,j-1/2} phi_{i,j-1} eta_y.ip_jp(ix, iy, s=2) * v.ip_jp(ix, -1+iy, s=2)) / denom if n in (1, 3): self.grids[level].fill_BC("v") if self.vis == 1: plt.clf() plt.subplot(221) self._draw_solution() plt.subplot(222) self._draw_V() plt.subplot(223) self._draw_main_solution() plt.subplot(224) self._draw_main_error() plt.suptitle(self.vis_title, fontsize=18) plt.draw() plt.savefig("mg_%4.4d.png" % (self.frame)) self.frame += 1
def _compute_residual(self, level): """ compute the residual and store it in the r variable""" v = self.grids[level].get_var("v") f = self.grids[level].get_var("f") r = self.grids[level].get_var("r") eta_x = self.edge_coeffs[level].x eta_y = self.edge_coeffs[level].y # compute the residual # r = f - L_eta phi L_eta_phi = ( # eta_{i+1/2,j} (phi_{i+1,j} - phi_{i,j}) eta_x.ip(1)*(v.ip(1) - v.v()) - \ # eta_{i-1/2,j} (phi_{i,j} - phi_{i-1,j}) eta_x.v()*(v.v() - v.ip(-1)) + \ # eta_{i,j+1/2} (phi_{i,j+1} - phi_{i,j})*( - v.v()) - \ # eta_{i,j-1/2} (phi_{i,j} - phi_{i,j-1}) eta_y.v()*(v.v() - r.v()[:, :] = f.v() - L_eta_phi