Source code for pyro.multigrid.examples.prolong_restrict_demo

# test the prolongation and restriction operations from the patch stuff

import numpy as np

import pyro.mesh.boundary as bnd
from pyro.mesh import patch

[docs] def doit(): # create our base grid and initialize it with sequential data myg = patch.Grid2d(4, 8, ng=1) myd = patch.CellCenterData2d(myg) bc = bnd.BC() myd.register_var("a", bc) myd.create() a = myd.get_var("a") a[myg.ilo:myg.ihi+1, myg.jlo:myg.jhi+1].flat = np.arange(myg.nx*myg.ny) print("restriction test") print("original (fine) array") myd.pretty_print("a") # create a coarse grid and fill the variable in it with restricted data print(" ") print("restricted array") cg = patch.Grid2d(2, 4, ng=1) cd = patch.CellCenterData2d(cg) cd.register_var("a", bc) cd.create() a_coarse = cd.get_var("a") a_coarse[:, :] = myd.restrict("a")[:, :] cd.pretty_print("a") print(" ") print("prolongation test") print("original (coarse) array w/ ghost cells") a_coarse[:, :].flat = np.arange(cg.qx*cg.qy) cd.pretty_print("a") # create a new fine (base) grid and fill the variable in it prolonged data # from the coarsened grid print(" ") print("prolonged array") fg = patch.Grid2d(4, 8, ng=1) fd = patch.CellCenterData2d(fg) fd.register_var("a", bc) fd.create() a_fine = fd.get_var("a") a_fine[:, :] = cd.prolong("a")[:, :] fd.pretty_print("a")
if __name__ == "__main__": doit()