Source code for pyro.compressible_rk.fluxes

This is a 2nd-order PLM method for a method-of-lines integration
(i.e., no characteristic tracing).

We wish to solve

.. math::

   U_t + F^x_x + F^y_y = H

we want U_{i+1/2} -- the interface values that are input to
the Riemann problem through the faces for each zone.

Taylor expanding *in space only* yields::

   U          = U   + 0.5 dx  --
    i+1/2,j,L    i,j          dx


import pyro.compressible as comp
import pyro.compressible.unsplit_fluxes as flx
from pyro.compressible import riemann
from pyro.mesh import reconstruction

[docs] def fluxes(my_data, rp, ivars, solid, tc): """ unsplitFluxes returns the fluxes through the x and y interfaces by doing an unsplit reconstruction of the interface values and then solving the Riemann problem through all the interfaces at once currently we assume a gamma-law EOS Parameters ---------- my_data : CellCenterData2d object The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting. rp : RuntimeParameters object The runtime parameters for the simulation vars : Variables object The Variables object that tells us which indices refer to which variables tc : TimerCollection object The timers we are using to profile Returns ------- out : ndarray, ndarray The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces """ tm_flux = tc.timer("unsplitFluxes") tm_flux.begin() myg = my_data.grid gamma = rp.get_param("eos.gamma") # ========================================================================= # compute the primitive variables # ========================================================================= # Q = (rho, u, v, p) q = comp.cons_to_prim(, gamma, ivars, myg) # ========================================================================= # compute the flattening coefficients # ========================================================================= # there is a single flattening coefficient (xi) for all directions use_flattening = rp.get_param("compressible.use_flattening") if use_flattening: xi_x = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 1, ivars, rp) xi_y = reconstruction.flatten(myg, q, 2, ivars, rp) xi = reconstruction.flatten_multid(myg, q, xi_x, xi_y, ivars) else: xi = 1.0 # monotonized central differences in x-direction tm_limit = tc.timer("limiting") tm_limit.begin() limiter = rp.get_param("compressible.limiter") ldx = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar) ldy = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar) for n in range(ivars.nvar): ldx[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 1, limiter) ldy[:, :, n] = xi * reconstruction.limit(q[:, :, n], myg, 2, limiter) tm_limit.end() # if we are doing a well-balanced scheme, then redo the pressure # note: we only have gravity in the y direction, so we will only # modify the y pressure slope well_balanced = rp.get_param("compressible.well_balanced") grav = rp.get_param("compressible.grav") if well_balanced: ldy[:, :, ivars.ip] = reconstruction.well_balance( q, myg, limiter, ivars, grav) # ========================================================================= # x-direction # ========================================================================= # left and right primitive variable states tm_states = tc.timer("interfaceStates") tm_states.begin() V_l = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar) V_r = myg.scratch_array(nvar=ivars.nvar) for n in range(ivars.nvar): V_l.ip(1, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2) V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldx.v(n=n, buf=2) tm_states.end() # transform interface states back into conserved variables U_xl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg) U_xr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg) # ========================================================================= # y-direction # ========================================================================= # left and right primitive variable states tm_states.begin() for n in range(ivars.nvar): if well_balanced and n == ivars.ip: # we want to do p0 + p1 on the interfaces. We found the # limited slope for p1 (it's average is 0). So now we # need p0 on the interface too, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) + \ 0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \ grav + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) - \ 0.5 * myg.dy * q.v(n=ivars.irho, buf=2) * \ grav - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=ivars.ip, buf=2) else:, n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v( n=n, buf=2) + 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2) V_r.v(n=n, buf=2)[:, :] = q.v(n=n, buf=2) - 0.5 * ldy.v(n=n, buf=2) tm_states.end() # transform interface states back into conserved variables U_yl = comp.prim_to_cons(V_l, gamma, ivars, myg) U_yr = comp.prim_to_cons(V_r, gamma, ivars, myg) # ========================================================================= # construct the fluxes normal to the interfaces # ========================================================================= F_x = riemann.riemann_flux(1, U_xl, U_xr, my_data, rp, ivars, solid.xl, solid.xr, tc) F_y = riemann.riemann_flux(2, U_yl, U_yr, my_data, rp, ivars, solid.yl, solid.yr, tc) # ========================================================================= # apply artificial viscosity # ========================================================================= F_x, F_y = flx.apply_artificial_viscosity(F_x, F_y, q, my_data, rp, ivars) tm_flux.end() return F_x, F_y