Source code for pyro.compressible_fv4.simulation
import numpy as np
import pyro.compressible_fv4.fluxes as flx
from pyro import compressible_rk
from pyro.compressible import get_external_sources, get_sponge_factor
from pyro.mesh import fv
class Simulation(compressible_rk.Simulation):
def __init__(self, solver_name, problem_name, problem_func, rp, *,
problem_finalize_func=None, problem_source_func=None,
timers=None, data_class=fv.FV2d):
super().__init__(solver_name, problem_name, problem_func, rp,
timers=timers, data_class=data_class)
def substep(self, myd):
compute the advective source term for the given state
myg = myd.grid
# compute the source terms -- we need to do this first
# using the cell-center data and then convert it back to
# averages
U_cc = myg.scratch_array(nvar=self.ivars.nvar)
for n in range(self.ivars.nvar):
U_cc[:, :, n] = myd.to_centers(myd.names[n])
# cell-centered sources
S = get_external_sources(myd.t, self.dt, U_cc,
self.ivars, self.rp, myg,
# bring the sources back to averages -- we only care about
# the interior (no ghost cells)
for n in range(self.ivars.nvar):
S.v(n=n)[:, :] -= myg.dx**2 * S.lap(n=n) / 24.0
k = myg.scratch_array(nvar=self.ivars.nvar)
flux_x, flux_y = flx.fluxes(myd, self.rp, self.ivars)
for n in range(self.ivars.nvar):
k.v(n=n)[:, :] = \
(flux_x.v(n=n) - flux_x.ip(1, n=n))/myg.dx + \
(flux_y.v(n=n) -, n=n))/myg.dy + S.v(n=n)
# finally, add the sponge source, if desired
if self.rp.get_param("sponge.do_sponge"):
kappa_f = get_sponge_factor(, self.ivars, self.rp, myg)
# momentum
k.v(n=self.ivars.ixmom)[:, :] -= kappa_f.v() *
k.v(n=self.ivars.iymom)[:, :] -= kappa_f.v() *
# total energy
k.v(n=self.ivars.iener)[:, :] -= kappa_f.v() * (**2 / +**2 /
return k
def preevolve(self):
"""Since we are 4th order accurate we need to make sure that we
initialized with accurate zone-averages, so the preevolve for
this solver assumes that the initialization was done to
cell-centers and converts it to cell-averages."""
# this should only work for dx == dy
assert np.abs(self.cc_data.grid.dx - self.cc_data.grid.dy) < 1.e-12 * self.cc_data.grid.dx, "grid cells need to be square"
# we just initialized cell-centers, but we need to store averages
for var in self.cc_data.names: