Source code for pyro.burgers_viscous.problems.converge

"""Setup a smooth velocity field (each component is an exponential).  This can
be used to test convergence of the solver."""

import numpy

from pyro.util import msg

DEFAULT_INPUTS = "inputs.converge.64"

[docs] def init_data(my_data, rp): """ initialize the smooth burgers convergence problem """ if rp.get_param("driver.verbose"): msg.bold("initializing the smooth burgers convergence problem...") u = my_data.get_var("x-velocity") v = my_data.get_var("y-velocity") xmin = my_data.grid.xmin xmax = my_data.grid.xmax ymin = my_data.grid.ymin ymax = my_data.grid.ymax xctr = 0.5*(xmin + xmax) yctr = 0.5*(ymin + ymax) # A represents some magnitude that defines the initial u and v. A = 0.05 u[:, :] = A + A * numpy.exp(-50.0*((my_data.grid.x2d-xctr)**2 + (my_data.grid.y2d-yctr)**2)) v[:, :] = A + A * numpy.exp(-50.0*((my_data.grid.x2d-xctr)**2 + (my_data.grid.y2d-yctr)**2))
[docs] def finalize(): """ print out any information to the user at the end of the run """