Source code for pyro.advection_rk.problems.smooth
"""Initialize a Gaussian profile (shifted so the minimum value is 1.0). This
is smooth and the limiters should not kick in too much, so this can be used
for testing convergence."""
import numpy
from pyro.util import msg
DEFAULT_INPUTS = "inputs.smooth"
def init_data(my_data, rp):
""" initialize the smooth advection problem """
if rp.get_param("driver.verbose"):
msg.bold("initializing the smooth advection problem...")
dens = my_data.get_var("density")
xmin = my_data.grid.xmin
xmax = my_data.grid.xmax
ymin = my_data.grid.ymin
ymax = my_data.grid.ymax
xctr = 0.5*(xmin + xmax)
yctr = 0.5*(ymin + ymax)
dens[:, :] = 1.0 + numpy.exp(-60.0*((my_data.grid.x2d-xctr)**2 +
def finalize():
""" print out any information to the user at the end of the run """