Source code for pyro.advection_fv4.problems.tophat
"""Initialize a tophat profile---the value inside a small circular
regions is set to 1.0 and is zero otherwise. This will exercise the
limiters significantly.
from pyro.util import msg
DEFAULT_INPUTS = "inputs.tophat"
def init_data(myd, rp):
""" initialize the tophat advection problem """
if rp.get_param("driver.verbose"):
msg.bold("initializing the tophat advection problem...")
dens = myd.get_var("density")
xmin = myd.grid.xmin
xmax = myd.grid.xmax
ymin = myd.grid.ymin
ymax = myd.grid.ymax
xctr = 0.5*(xmin + xmax)
yctr = 0.5*(ymin + ymax)
dens[:, :] = 0.0
R = 0.1
inside = (myd.grid.x2d - xctr)**2 + (myd.grid.y2d - yctr)**2 < R**2
dens[inside] = 1.0
def finalize():
""" print out any information to the user at the end of the run """