Multigrid examples

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

import pyro.mesh.boundary as bnd
import pyro.mesh.patch as patch
import pyro.multigrid.MG as MG

Constant-coefficent Poisson equation

We want to solve

\[\phi_{xx} + \phi_{yy} = -2[(1-6x^2)y^2(1-y^2) + (1-6y^2)x^2(1-x^2)]\]


\[[0,1]\times [0,1]\]

with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions (this example comes from “A Multigrid Tutorial”).

This has the analytic solution

\[u(x,y) = (x^2 - x^4)(y^4 - y^2)\]

We start by setting up a multigrid object–this needs to know the number of zones our problem is defined on

nx = ny = 256
mg = MG.CellCenterMG2d(nx, ny,
                       xl_BC_type="dirichlet", xr_BC_type="dirichlet",
                       yl_BC_type="dirichlet", yr_BC_type="dirichlet", verbose=1)
cc data: nx = 2, ny = 2, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 4, ny = 4, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 8, ny = 8, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 16, ny = 16, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 32, ny = 32, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 64, ny = 64, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 128, ny = 128, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

cc data: nx = 256, ny = 256, ng = 1
         nvars = 3
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet

Next, we initialize the RHS. To make life easier, the CellCenterMG2d object has the coordinates of the solution grid (including ghost cells) as mg.x2d and mg.y2d (these are two-dimensional arrays).

def rhs(x, y):
    return -2.0*((1.0-6.0*x**2)*y**2*(1.0-y**2) + (1.0-6.0*y**2)*x**2*(1.0-x**2))

mg.init_RHS(rhs(mg.x2d, mg.y2d))
Source norm =  1.097515813669473

The last setup step is to initialize the solution–this is the starting point for the solve. Usually we just want to start with all zeros, so we use the init_zeros() method


we can now solve – there are actually two different techniques we can do here. We can just do pure smoothing on the solution grid using mg.smooth(mg.nlevels-1, N), where N is the number of smoothing iterations. To get the solution N will need to be large and this will take a long time.

Multigrid accelerates the smoothing. We can do a V-cycle multigrid solution using mg.solve()

source norm =  1.097515813669473
<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 1) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.097515813669473
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.502308451578657

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.0616243965458263
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.4321452257629033

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.011366277976364
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.281872470375375

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.903531158162907
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.9607576999783505

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.6736112182020367
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.4439774050299674

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.30721142286171554
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0727215591269748

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.04841813458618458
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.9610700301811246e-05

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.925006722484123e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0370099820862674e-09

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.07010129273961899
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0008815704830693547

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.4307377377402105
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.007174899576794818

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.911086486792154
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.01618756602227813

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1945438349788615
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.022021327892004925

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.313456560108626
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.02518650395173617

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3618314516335004
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.026870007568672097

cycle 1: relative err = 0.999999999999964, residual err = 0.02448256984911586

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 2) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.026870007568672097
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.025790216249923552

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.018218080204017304
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.023654310121915274

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.01669077991582338
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.01977335201785163

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.013922595404814862
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.013577568890182053

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.009518306167970536
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.006115159484497302

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.004244630812032651
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0010674120586864006

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0007108144252738053
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.818246254772703e-07

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.765281065294632e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.5231212503339452e-11

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0010291471590693868
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2950948742201083e-05

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.006239446983842889
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00010483463130232172

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.014573363314854
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00026233988398787004

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.021564270263952755
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0003944827058086955

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.02579092712136628
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00048636495715121916

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.028051324215592862
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0005440874957950154

cycle 2: relative err = 13.739483825281054, residual err = 0.0004957445615074047

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 3) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0005440874957950154
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0005095844930046698

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0003597879816772893
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00044648485218937167

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0003147892995472901
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0003492541721056348

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0002457276904804801
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00022232862524233384

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0001558932199490972
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.511093023364078e-05

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.616899520585456e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.711006102346096e-05

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.139522901981679e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.33004809910226e-09

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 9.245125097272049e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.442311694447821e-13

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.64991725637487e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.0771258971860784e-07

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00010097720436460624
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.7241727900979902e-06

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0002575410544503153
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.766282851613449e-06

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00041133882050328275
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.600616845344458e-06

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0005232809692242086
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.860758095018993e-06

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0005945070122423073
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.1466134915427874e-05

cycle 3: relative err = 34.347638624909216, residual err = 1.0447352805871284e-05

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 4) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1466134915427874e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.054466722279011e-05

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.442814693866286e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 8.955050475722099e-06

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.311313968968047e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.734553609148436e-06

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.737984987500691e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.091799997658277e-06

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.871028473858937e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.6319551993366253e-06

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1372178077508109e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.961040430099916e-07

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.9721864323458624e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.61503943872384e-10

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.6003411195777404e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.2274326344473505e-15

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.855691101825338e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.5961118754371857e-09

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.7893831203170535e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.1136282101831173e-08

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.97129807196115e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.544819739422644e-08

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 8.281644276572538e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.56637783149839e-07

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.0888850082357996e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.0777271327080248e-07

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.2717522622400765e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.464531349025277e-07

cycle 4: relative err = 0.17409776671446628, residual err = 2.24555429482631e-07

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 5) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.464531349025277e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.2491138140311698e-07

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.5874562191875262e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.886249099391391e-07

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3294481979637655e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.397710191717015e-07

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 9.836928907527788e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 8.269030961692836e-08

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.8062531341283565e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.034725896415429e-08

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.116912379336852e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.467519592468213e-09

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.6418116003284676e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.982625229812215e-12

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.955484162036181e-12
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.806739482450516e-17

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.273610709946236e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.642323465658688e-11

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.4146989205844565e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.052228076583688e-10

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.031248597196911e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.0541497445308587e-09

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.7585349306604133e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.421022608879089e-09

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.3383756442516674e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.552170797983864e-09

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.7592842790687426e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.41488950707315e-09

cycle 5: relative err = 0.005391244339065405, residual err = 4.933769007818501e-09

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 6) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.41488950707315e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.948141362729419e-09

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.4929583962703016e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.154445183511443e-09

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.9288841397931397e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.074779198797186e-09

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.164991235492634e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.788028730183651e-09

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.2562223343389894e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.021983813990021e-10

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.2028073688787063e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0655724637281067e-10

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.097871736854444e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.813506543301849e-14

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.760611936011378e-14
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.521555112430923e-18

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.027891920456506e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.294879454701896e-12

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.914011940773812e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2453691230551983e-11

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.2570491487662195e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.639035392364569e-11

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.908967396962745e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.803740782474827e-11

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.196394306272565e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.033274523100204e-10

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.117636729623554e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2199402602477584e-10

cycle 6: relative err = 7.51413991329132e-05, residual err = 1.111546863428753e-10

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 7) >>>

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.2199402602477584e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.121992266879251e-10

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.921861122082639e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.493449600138316e-11

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.694993398453784e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.050995614737483e-11

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.9666563586565975e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.045094776680348e-11

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.843147343834713e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2576313722677801e-11

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 8.777954081387978e-12
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.170559196862902e-12

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.445876195415056e-12
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.1842925278593641e-15

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1735184729034125e-15
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.0994757710835167e-20

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.094012660676073e-12
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.6382579574150587e-14

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.466147487151147e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.6760553592700965e-13

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.130705216489902e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0810419626613159e-12

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 9.001551103280705e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.8342879121275396e-12

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1914921193827463e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.4124327865487605e-12

  level: 7, grid: 256 x 256
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3907209384461257e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.8429898342353533e-12

cycle 7: relative err = 7.062255558417692e-07, residual err = 2.590386214782638e-12

We can access the solution on the finest grid using get_solution()

phi = mg.get_solution()
plt.imshow(np.transpose(phi.v()), origin="lower")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7a8485ea0>

we can also get the gradient of the solution

gx, gy = mg.get_solution_gradient()
plt.imshow(np.transpose(gx.v()), origin="lower")
plt.imshow(np.transpose(gy.v()), origin="lower")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff7a81f26e0>

General linear elliptic equation

The GeneralMG2d class implements support for a general elliptic equation of the form:

\[\alpha \phi + \nabla \cdot (\beta \nabla \phi) + \gamma \cdot \nabla \phi = f\]

with inhomogeneous boundary condtions.

It subclasses the CellCenterMG2d class, and the basic interface is the same

We will solve the above with

\begin{align} \alpha &= 10 \\ \beta &= xy + 1 \\ \gamma &= \hat{x} + \hat{y} \end{align}


\begin{equation} f = -\frac{\pi}{2}(x + 1)\sin\left(\frac{\pi y}{2}\right) \cos\left(\frac{\pi x}{2}\right ) -\frac{\pi}{2}(y + 1)\sin\left(\frac{\pi x}{2}\right) \cos\left(\frac{\pi y}{2}\right ) +\left(\frac{-\pi^2 (xy+1)}{2} + 10\right) \cos\left(\frac{\pi x}{2}\right) \cos\left(\frac{\pi y}{2}\right) \end{equation}

on \([0, 1] \times [0,1]\) with boundary conditions:

\begin{align} \phi(x=0) &= \cos(\pi y/2) \\ \phi(x=1) &= 0 \\ \phi(y=0) &= \cos(\pi x/2) \\ \phi(y=1) &= 0 \end{align}

This has the exact solution:

\[\phi = \cos(\pi x/2) \cos(\pi y/2)\]
import pyro.multigrid.general_MG as gMG

For reference, we’ll define a function providing the analytic solution

def true(x,y):
    return np.cos(np.pi*x/2.0)*np.cos(np.pi*y/2.0)

Now the coefficents–note that since \(\gamma\) is a vector, we have a different function for each component

def alpha(x,y):
    return 10.0*np.ones_like(x)

def beta(x,y):
    return x*y + 1.0

def gamma_x(x,y):
    return np.ones_like(x)

def gamma_y(x,y):
    return np.ones_like(x)

and the righthand side function

def f(x,y):
    return -0.5*np.pi*(x + 1.0)*np.sin(np.pi*y/2.0)*np.cos(np.pi*x/2.0) - \
            0.5*np.pi*(y + 1.0)*np.sin(np.pi*x/2.0)*np.cos(np.pi*y/2.0) + \
            (-np.pi**2*(x*y+1.0)/2.0 + 10.0)*np.cos(np.pi*x/2.0)*np.cos(np.pi*y/2.0)

Our inhomogeneous boundary conditions require a function that can be evaluated on the boundary to give the value

def xl_func(y):
    return np.cos(np.pi*y/2.0)

def yl_func(x):
    return np.cos(np.pi*x/2.0)

Now we can setup our grid object and the coefficients, which are stored as a CellCenter2d object. Note, the coefficients do not need to have the same boundary conditions as \(\phi\) (and for real problems, they may not). The one that matters the most is \(\beta\), since that will need to be averaged to the edges of the domain, so the boundary conditions on the coefficients are important.

Here we use Neumann boundary conditions

import pyro.mesh.patch as patch

nx = ny = 128

g = patch.Grid2d(nx, ny, ng=1)
d = patch.CellCenterData2d(g)

bc_c = bnd.BC(xlb="neumann", xrb="neumann",
              ylb="neumann", yrb="neumann")

d.register_var("alpha", bc_c)
d.register_var("beta", bc_c)
d.register_var("gamma_x", bc_c)
d.register_var("gamma_y", bc_c)

a = d.get_var("alpha")
a[:,:] = alpha(g.x2d, g.y2d)

b = d.get_var("beta")
b[:,:] = beta(g.x2d, g.y2d)

gx = d.get_var("gamma_x")
gx[:,:] = gamma_x(g.x2d, g.y2d)

gy = d.get_var("gamma_y")
gy[:,:] = gamma_y(g.x2d, g.y2d)

Now we can setup the multigrid object

a = gMG.GeneralMG2d(nx, ny,
                    xl_BC_type="dirichlet", yl_BC_type="dirichlet",
                    xr_BC_type="dirichlet", yr_BC_type="dirichlet",
                    verbose=1, vis=0, true_function=true)
cc data: nx = 2, ny = 2, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 4, ny = 4, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 8, ny = 8, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 16, ny = 16, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 32, ny = 32, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 64, ny = 64, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

cc data: nx = 128, ny = 128, ng = 1
         nvars = 7
               v: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               f: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
               r: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: dirichlet    +x: dirichlet    -y: dirichlet    +y: dirichlet
           alpha: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
            beta: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_x: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann
         gamma_y: min:    0.0000000000    max:    0.0000000000
                  BCs: -x: neumann      +x: neumann      -y: neumann      +y: neumann

just as before, we specify the righthand side and initialize the solution

a.init_RHS(f(a.x2d, a.y2d))
Source norm =  1.775181492337501

and we can solve it

source norm =  1.775181492337501
<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 1) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.775181492337501
  after G-S, residual L2: 188.9332667507471

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 129.93801550392877
  after G-S, residual L2: 56.28708770794367

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 38.88692621665777
  after G-S, residual L2: 18.722754099081875

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 12.926068140514912
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.7418584016115615

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.646478379380239
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.0651261541465873

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3745334259197388
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.022445197218592287

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.03125252087247734
  after G-S, residual L2: 8.232822131646219e-05

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.805976863110291
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.07481536016730257

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 8.772402436595389
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.24361942694526753

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 19.59101132435104
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.5448263647958932

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 50.46410889948471
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.3597629173942607

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 160.21311638468657
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.125142056231161

cycle 1: relative err = 0.9999999999999981, residual err = 2.323786088373031

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 2) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.125142056231161
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.424731184614396

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.6915411385849446
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.048624109440289

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.7283416353571882
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.4554818109365319

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.3165327512850212
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.22128563126748188

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.15332496186655636
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.07471968817844332

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.049749391872944894
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.000813357286041042

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0011325179143730421
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.983377839180104e-06

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.10152627387884115
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0027007047002410205

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.2981467241559551
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.008199107952269191

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.521884811462466
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.014956130961989571

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.9910630869232032
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.028422939317571935

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.044187745817753
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.05829382601881336

cycle 2: relative err = 0.036315310129801166, residual err = 0.032838234439935464

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 3) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.05829382601881336
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.04172011870730236

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.029246699093089436
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.023356326397591245

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.016306296792817917
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.012906629461195626

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.009011110787954003
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0073152629389098165

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.005081499522860255
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00256252651715607

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0017064130732668981
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.79123870467358e-05

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.886526925433716e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0238217009498558e-07

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0034819145217796638
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.252096659806975e-05

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.010064990348705135
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00027440544182565064

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.016032310448840032
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00045582265432728727

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.024303743880187103
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0007098551729201522

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.037775318915905735
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0011035122820145216

cycle 3: relative err = 0.0012532978372416998, residual err = 0.000621633498759303

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 4) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0011035122820145216
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.0008898317346927453

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.000625739872070729
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.000607740119080587

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00042604165447622126
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.000397674018255364

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0002784624522902657
  after G-S, residual L2: 0.00024268300992371118

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00016881840301228077
  after G-S, residual L2: 8.634352400013625e-05

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.7501328044023475e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.407985171363897e-07

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3099714803249488e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.4508339509542035e-09

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00011732421042711928
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.1157531467700274e-06

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.00033850867119458294
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.177601887988707e-06

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0005249527904411394
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.4651643230949486e-05

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0007080871923349976
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.0290645679874954e-05

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 0.0009185166831419814
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.657030047801386e-05

cycle 4: relative err = 4.257466296345195e-05, residual err = 1.4967652937293164e-05

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 5) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.657030047801386e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.3098223934902124e-05

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.627485739129596e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.7906142640602113e-05

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.2585882397882331e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2880701433409095e-05

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 9.035061892447504e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 8.103003187752153e-06

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.641504287281656e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.90121290636155e-06

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.9321695175514817e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.1616756017989616e-08

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.402332099236765e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.159697431375499e-10

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.942265874668158e-06
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0466257645320907e-07

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.1405869020197195e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.081954658477386e-07

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.7696025211153306e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.853326074732553e-07

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.281722184539092e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.339093026169473e-07

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.720450664755927e-05
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.617366442287773e-07

cycle 5: relative err = 1.4372233556002303e-06, residual err = 4.291035297048683e-07

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 6) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.617366442287773e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.887955204981268e-07

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.858303555357937e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.69884466371041e-07

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.0114485792406196e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.288730508746916e-07

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.011320281769793e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.722913591694268e-07

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.8967555845982626e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.770491535790604e-08

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.507167346101259e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.064857909707231e-09

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.4827137267543486e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.905880545305021e-12

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.327670545122848e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.5242457874456e-09

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.856314482142684e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.0398885055660428e-08

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.038836839330361e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.6338312450885264e-08

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.682416327633833e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.077211614487108e-08

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 8.865086249123311e-07
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.401917734271176e-08

cycle 6: relative err = 4.849259893743e-08, residual err = 1.3530547409597026e-08

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 7) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.401917734271176e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.212526516368908e-08

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.561380930193641e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.8869605253841384e-08

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.329268715576614e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.448574192361666e-08

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.0177211702855934e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 9.198083215964472e-09

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 6.409466931052197e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.301837694167828e-09

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.1990605773774708e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.5987499029820695e-11

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.010919220080045e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.3200150076369783e-13

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.486791915539427e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.1908944659498306e-10

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.3081161953516478e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.5229822904429924e-10

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.0705036864241283e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 5.54664336501412e-10

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.6280822545639532e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.964954084454355e-10

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.994436334203582e-08
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.914114964975534e-10

cycle 7: relative err = 1.6392149521630824e-09, residual err = 4.4582004708456516e-10

<<< beginning V-cycle (cycle 8) >>>

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.914114964975534e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 7.355563798981241e-10

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 5.192187012540891e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 6.364663794896949e-10

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.4855051982056546e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.92823302521467e-10

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 3.463709288611066e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 3.1194153963395727e-10

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 2.1741809566511453e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.1194508137188934e-10

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.455730160141668e-11
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.2201492319919709e-12

  bottom solve:
  level: 0, grid: 2 x 2

  level: 1, grid: 4 x 4
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.6989427313305885e-12
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.47548465864942e-15

  level: 2, grid: 8 x 8
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.5212136435309373e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 4.037432498150632e-12

  level: 3, grid: 16 x 16
  before G-S, residual L2: 4.4491471941548957e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.1972476764962434e-11

  level: 4, grid: 32 x 32
  before G-S, residual L2: 7.109786940662245e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 1.891232351798468e-11

  level: 5, grid: 64 x 64
  before G-S, residual L2: 9.034023723354117e-10
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.3606468222333935e-11

  level: 6, grid: 128 x 128
  before G-S, residual L2: 1.023747974109598e-09
  after G-S, residual L2: 2.6771270744711738e-11

cycle 8: relative err = 5.555103471809045e-11, residual err = 1.5080864047010877e-11

We can compare to the true solution

v = a.get_solution()
b = true(a.x2d, a.y2d)
e = v - b

The norm of the error is

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