Routines for doing the reconstruction of the interface states from
cell-average data.
import numpy as np
def flattening_coefficient(grid, p, u):
"""Compute the flattening coefficient, chi, for a shock. This works
by looking for compression and a steep pressure profile. chi = 1
means no flattening. This follows Saltzman (1994).
grid : FVGrid
the grid object.
p : ndarray
the pressure defined on the grid.
u : ndarray
the velocity defined on the grid
smallp = 1.e-10
z0 = 0.75
z1 = 0.85
delta = 0.33
# dp = p_{i+1} - p_{i-1}
dp = grid.scratch_array()
dp[grid.lo-2:grid.hi+3] = p[grid.lo-1:grid.hi+4] - p[grid.lo-3:grid.hi+2]
# dp2 = p_{i+2} - p_{i-2}
dp2 = grid.scratch_array()
dp2[grid.lo-2:grid.hi+3] = p[grid.lo:grid.hi+5] - p[grid.lo-4:grid.hi+1]
z = np.abs(dp) / np.clip(np.abs(dp2), smallp, None)
chi = np.clip(1.0 - (z - z0) / (z1 - z0), 0.0, 1.0)
# du = u_{i+1} - u_{i-1}
du = grid.scratch_array()
du[grid.lo-2:grid.hi+3] = u[grid.lo-1:grid.hi+4] - u[grid.lo-3:grid.hi+2]
# construct |dp_i| / min(p_{i+1}, p_{i-1})
test = grid.scratch_array()
test[grid.lo-2:grid.hi+3] = np.abs(dp[grid.lo-2:grid.hi+3]) / \
p[grid.lo-1:grid.hi+4]) > delta
chi = np.where(np.logical_and(test, du < 0), chi, 1.0)
# combine chi with the neighbor, following the sign of the pressure jump
chi[grid.lo-1:grid.hi+2] = np.where(dp[grid.lo-1:grid.hi+2] > 0,
return chi
class PPMInterpolant:
"""Given a fluid variable a defined on the FVGrid grid, perform
the PPM reconstruction
grid : FVGrid
the grid object.
a : ndarray
the data for a single component defined on the grid.
limit : bool, optional
do we use limiting?
chi_flat : ndarray, optional
the flattening coefficient.
def __init__(self, grid, a, *, limit=True, chi_flat=None):
self.grid = grid
assert grid.ng >= 3
self.a = a
self.limit = limit
self.chi_flat = chi_flat
self.aint = grid.scratch_array()
self.ap = grid.scratch_array()
self.am = grid.scratch_array()
self.a6 = grid.scratch_array()
self.initialized = False
def construct_parabola(self):
"""compute the coefficients of a parabolic interpolant for the
data in each zone. This will give am, the parabola value on
the left edge of a zone, ap, the parabola value on the right
edge of the zone, and a6, a measure of the curvature of the
# first do the cubic interpolation in zones in all but the last ghost cell
# we will be getting a_{i+1/2}
# the state will initially be defined on ib:ie+1
ib = self.grid.lo-2
ie = self.grid.hi+1
da0 = self.grid.scratch_array()
dap = self.grid.scratch_array()
# 1/2 (a_{i+1} - a_{i-1})
da0[ib:ie+1] = 0.5 * (self.a[ib+1:ie+2] - self.a[ib-1:ie])
# 1/2 (a_{i+2} - a_{i})
dap[ib:ie+1] = 0.5 * (self.a[ib+2:ie+3] - self.a[ib:ie+1])
if self.limit:
# van-Leer slopes
dl = self.grid.scratch_array()
dr = self.grid.scratch_array()
dr[ib:ie+1] = self.a[ib+1:ie+2] - self.a[ib:ie+1]
dl[ib:ie+1] = self.a[ib:ie+1] - self.a[ib-1:ie]
da0 = np.where(dl * dr < 0, 0.0,
np.sign(da0) * np.minimum(np.abs(da0),
2.0 * np.minimum(np.abs(dl),
dl[:] = dr[:]
dr[ib:ie+1] = self.a[ib+2:ie+3] - self.a[ib+1:ie+2]
dap = np.where(dl * dr < 0, 0.0,
np.sign(dap) * np.minimum(np.abs(dap),
2.0 * np.minimum(np.abs(dl),
# cubic
self.aint[ib:ie+1] = 0.5 * (self.a[ib:ie+1] + self.a[ib+1:ie+2]) - \
(1.0 / 6.0) * (dap[ib:ie+1] - da0[ib:ie+1])
# now the parabola coefficients
self.ap[:] = self.aint[:]
self.am[1:] = self.ap[:-1]
if self.limit:
# now we work on each zone + 1 ghost cell and limit the parabola
# coefficients as needed. At the end, this will be valid on
# lo-1:hi+2
test = (self.ap - self.a) * (self.a - self.am) < 0
da = self.ap - self.am
testm = da * (self.a - 0.5 * (self.am + self.ap)) > da**2 / 6
self.am[:] = np.where(test, self.a, np.where(testm, 3.0*self.a - 2.0*self.ap, self.am))
testp = -da**2 / 6 > da * (self.a - 0.5 * (self.am + self.ap))
self.ap[:] = np.where(test, self.a, np.where(testp, 3.0*self.a - 2.0*self.am, self.ap))
if self.chi_flat is not None:
self.am[:] = (1.0 - self.chi_flat[:]) * self.a[:] + self.chi_flat[:] * self.am[:]
self.ap[:] = (1.0 - self.chi_flat[:]) * self.a[:] + self.chi_flat[:] * self.ap[:]
self.a6 = 6.0 * self.a - 3.0 * (self.am + self.ap)
self.initialized = True
def integrate(self, sigma):
"""integrate under the parabola to the left edge (Im) and
right edge (Ip) for a fraction sigma = lambda * dt / dx,
where lambda is the characteristic speed. If sigma is not
moving toward the edge, then we us the limit of the parabola
in that direction.
sigma : ndarray
the dimensionless wavespeed (lambda dt / dx)
Im : ndarray
the integral under the parabola from the left edge through a
distance sigma.
Ip : ndarray
the integral under the parabola from the right edge through a
distance sigma.
if not self.initialized:
Ip = self.grid.scratch_array()
Ip[:] = np.where(sigma <= 0.0, self.ap,
self.ap - 0.5 * np.abs(sigma) *
(self.ap - self.am - (1.0 - (2.0/3.0) * np.abs(sigma)) * self.a6))
Im = self.grid.scratch_array()
Im[:] = np.where(sigma >= 0.0, self.am,
self.am + 0.5 * np.abs(sigma) *
(self.ap - self.am + (1.0 - (2.0/3.0) * np.abs(sigma)) * self.a6))
return Im, Ip
def draw_parabola(self, gp, *, scale=None):
"""Draw the parabolas in each zone on the axes ax.
gp : GridPlot
the grid plot object
scale : float, optional
normalization factor (default is maximum data value)
ilo = max(gp.lo_index, self.grid.lo-1)
ihi = min(gp.hi_index, self.grid.hi+1)
if scale is None:
scale = np.max(self.a[ilo:ihi+1])
for n in range(ilo, ihi+1):
x = np.linspace(self.grid.xl[n], self.grid.xr[n], 50)
xi = (x - self.grid.xl[n]) / self.grid.dx
a = self.am[n] + xi*(self.ap[n] - self.am[n] + self.a6[n] * (1.0-xi))
gp.ax.plot(x, a/scale, color="C1", lw=2)
def mark_cubic(self, gp, *, scale=None):
"""Mark the location of the initial interface states from the
cubic interpolant on the axes ax.
gp : GridPlot
the grid plot object
scale : float, optional
normalization factor (default is maximum data value)
ilo = max(gp.lo_index-1, self.grid.lo-2)
ihi = min(gp.hi_index, self.grid.hi+1)
if scale is None:
# we need to scale with the same limits as the centers
scale = np.max(self.a[ilo+1:ihi+1])
gp.ax.scatter(self.grid.xr[ilo:ihi+1], self.aint[ilo:ihi+1] / scale,
marker="x", zorder=10)
class HSEPPMInterpolant(PPMInterpolant):
"""PPM interpolation for pressure that subtracts off HSE
grid : FVGrid
the grid object.
p : ndarray
the pressure defined on the grid.
rho : ndarray
the density defined on the grid.
g : ndarray
the gravitational acceleration defined on the grid
limit : bool, optional
use limiting?
chi_flat : ndarray, optional
the flattening coefficient.
def __init__(self, grid, p, rho, g, *, limit=True, chi_flat=None, leave_as_perturbation=False):
super().__init__(grid, p, limit=limit, chi_flat=chi_flat)
self.rho = rho
self.g = g
self.p_hse_m = None
self.p_hse_p = None
self.leave_as_perturbation = leave_as_perturbation
def construct_parabola(self):
"""compute the coefficients of a parabolic interpolant for the
pressure in each zone by subtracting off HSE. This will give
am, the parabola value on the left edge of a zone, ap, the
parabola value on the right edge of the zone, and a6, a
measure of the curvature of the parabola.
# first do the cubic interpolation in zones in all but the last ghost cell
# we will be getting a_{i+1/2}
# for easy indexing
im2 = 0
im1 = 1
i0 = 2
ip1 = 3
ip2 = 4
# the state will initially be defined on ib:ie
ib = self.grid.lo-2
ie = self.grid.hi+1
for i in range(ib, ie+1):
p = np.array([self.a[i-2], self.a[i-1], self.a[i], self.a[i+1], self.a[i+2]])
rho = np.array([self.rho[i-2], self.rho[i-1], self.rho[i], self.rho[i+1], self.rho[i+2]])
src = np.array([self.g[i-2], self.g[i-1], self.g[i], self.g[i+1], self.g[i+2]])
p_hse = np.zeros(5)
p_hse[i0] = p[i0]
p_hse[ip1] = p_hse[i0] + 0.25*self.grid.dx * (rho[i0] + rho[ip1]) * (src[i0] + src[ip1])
p_hse[ip2] = p_hse[ip1] + 0.25*self.grid.dx * (rho[ip1] + rho[ip2]) * (src[ip1] + src[ip2])
p_hse[im1] = p_hse[i0] - 0.25*self.grid.dx * (rho[i0] + rho[im1]) * (src[i0] + src[im1])
p_hse[im2] = p_hse[im1] - 0.25*self.grid.dx * (rho[im1] + rho[im2]) * (src[im1] + src[im2])
tp = p - p_hse
# 1/2 (a_{i+1} - a_{i-1})
da0 = 0.5 * (tp[ip1] - tp[im1])
# 1/2 (a_{i+2} - a_{i})
dap = 0.5 * (tp[ip2] - tp[i0])
if self.limit:
# van-Leer slopes
dr = tp[ip1] - tp[i0]
dl = tp[i0] - tp[im1]
if dl * dr > 0.0:
da0 = np.sign(da0) * min(np.abs(da0),
2.0 * min(np.abs(dl), np.abs(dr)))
da0 = 0.0
dl = dr
dr = tp[ip2] - tp[ip1]
if dl * dr > 0.0:
dap = np.sign(dap) * min(np.abs(dap),
2.0 * min(np.abs(dl), np.abs(dr)))
dap = 0.0
# cubic
self.aint[i] = 0.5 * (tp[i0] + tp[ip1]) - (1.0 / 6.0) * (dap - da0)
# now the parabola coefficients
self.ap[:] = self.aint[:]
self.am[1:] = self.ap[:-1]
p_hse = np.zeros_like(self.a)
if self.limit:
# now we work on each zone + 1 ghost cell and limit the parabola
# coefficients as needed. At the end, this will be valid on
# lo-1:hi+2
test = (self.ap - p_hse) * (p_hse - self.am) < 0
da = self.ap - self.am
testm = da * (p_hse - 0.5 * (self.am + self.ap)) > da**2 / 6
self.am[:] = np.where(test, p_hse, np.where(testm, 3.0*p_hse - 2.0*self.ap, self.am))
testp = -da**2 / 6 > da * (p_hse - 0.5 * (self.am + self.ap))
self.ap[:] = np.where(test, p_hse, np.where(testp, 3.0*p_hse - 2.0*self.am, self.ap))
if self.chi_flat is not None:
self.am[:] = (1.0 - self.chi_flat[:]) * p_hse[:] + self.chi_flat[:] * self.am[:]
self.ap[:] = (1.0 - self.chi_flat[:]) * p_hse[:] + self.chi_flat[:] * self.ap[:]
self.p_hse_p = self.a[:] + 0.5 * self.grid.dx * self.rho[:] * self.g[:]
self.p_hse_m = self.a[:] - 0.5 * self.grid.dx * self.rho[:] * self.g[:]
if not self.leave_as_perturbation:
# finally, add back in the HSE correction
self.ap[:] += self.p_hse_p[:]
self.am[:] += self.p_hse_m[:]
self.a6 = 6.0 * self.a - 3.0 * (self.am + self.ap)
# the cell-center state here is zero, since we subtract off pressur
self.a6 = - 3.0 * (self.am + self.ap)
self.initialized = True