pyro.incompressible_viscous package

The pyro solver for incompressible and viscous flow. This implements a second-order approximate projection method. The general flow is:

  • create the limited slopes of u and v (in both directions)

  • get the advective velocities through a piecewise linear Godunov method

  • enforce the divergence constraint on the velocities through a projection (the MAC projection)

  • recompute the interface states using the new advective velocity

  • Solve for U in a (decoupled) parabolic solve including viscosity term

  • project the final velocity to enforce the divergence constraint.

The projections are done using multigrid



pyro.incompressible_viscous.BC module

Solver-specific boundary conditions. Here, in particular, we implement a “moving-lid” option, i.e. fixed tangential velocity at a wall.

pyro.incompressible_viscous.BC.user(bc_name, bc_edge, variable, ccdata)[source]

A moving lid boundary. This fixes the tangent velocity at the boundary to 1, and the y-velocity to 0.


The descriptive name for the boundary condition – this allows for pyro to have multiple types of user-supplied boundary conditions. For this module, it needs to be ‘moving_lid’.

bc_edge{‘ylb’, ‘yrb’, ‘xlb’, ‘xrb}

The boundary to update: ylb = lower y; yrb = upper y. xlb = left x; xrb = right x

ccdataCellCenterData2d object

The data object

pyro.incompressible_viscous.simulation module

class pyro.incompressible_viscous.simulation.Simulation(solver_name, problem_name, rp, timers=None, data_class=<class 'pyro.mesh.patch.CellCenterData2d'>)[source]

Bases: Simulation


Used to set up user-defined BC’s (see e.g. incompressible_viscous)

do_other_update_velocity(U_MAC, U_INT)[source]

Solve for U in a (decoupled) parabolic solve including viscosity term


Solve is all the same steps as the incompressible solver, but including a source term for the viscosity in the interface prediction, and changing the velocity update method to a double parabolic solve.


Initialization of the data is the same as the incompressible solver, but we define user BC, and provide the viscosity as an auxiliary variable.


This is the viscous term nu L U


Output simulation-specific data to the h5py file f