Source code for pyro.compressible_sr.eos

This is a gamma-law equation of state: p = rho e (gamma - 1), where
gamma is the constant ratio of specific heats.

[docs] def pres(gamma, rho, eint): """ Given the density and the specific internal energy, return the pressure Parameters ---------- gamma : float The ratio of specific heats rho : float The density eint : float The specific internal energy Returns ------- out : float The pressure """ return rho * eint * (gamma - 1.0)
[docs] def dens(gamma, p, eint): """ Given the pressure and the specific internal energy, return the density Parameters ---------- gamma : float The ratio of specific heats p : float The pressure eint : float The specific internal energy Returns ------- out : float The density """ return p / (eint * (gamma - 1.0))
[docs] def rhoe(gamma, p): """ Given the pressure, return (rho * e) Parameters ---------- gamma : float The ratio of specific heats p : float The pressure Returns ------- out : float The internal energy density, rho e """ return p / (gamma - 1.0)
[docs] def h_from_eps(gamma, eint): """ Given rho and internal energy, return h """ return 1 + gamma * eint
[docs] def rhoh_from_rho_p(gamma, rho, p): """ Given rho and p, return h """ return rho + gamma / (gamma - 1) * p