Source code for pyro.advection.simulation

import importlib

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pyro.advection.advective_fluxes as flx
from pyro.advection.interface import linear_interface
from pyro.mesh import patch
from pyro.particles import particles
from pyro.simulation_null import NullSimulation, bc_setup, grid_setup
from pyro.util import plot_tools

[docs] class Simulation(NullSimulation):
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the grid and variables for advection and set the initial conditions for the chosen problem. """ my_grid = grid_setup(self.rp, ng=4) # create the variables my_data = patch.CellCenterData2d(my_grid) bc = bc_setup(self.rp)[0] my_data.register_var("density", bc) my_data.create() self.cc_data = my_data if self.rp.get_param("particles.do_particles") == 1: n_particles = self.rp.get_param("particles.n_particles") particle_generator = self.rp.get_param("particles.particle_generator") self.particles = particles.Particles(self.cc_data, bc, n_particles, particle_generator) # now set the initial conditions for the problem problem = importlib.import_module(f"pyro.advection.problems.{self.problem_name}") problem.init_data(self.cc_data, self.rp)
[docs] def method_compute_timestep(self): """ Compute the advective timestep (CFL) constraint. We use the driver.cfl parameter to control what fraction of the CFL step we actually take. """ cfl = self.rp.get_param("driver.cfl") u = self.rp.get_param("advection.u") v = self.rp.get_param("advection.v") # the timestep is min(dx/|u|, dy/|v|) xtmp = self.cc_data.grid.dx/max(abs(u), self.SMALL) ytmp = self.cc_data.grid.dy/max(abs(v), self.SMALL) self.dt = cfl*min(xtmp, ytmp)
[docs] def evolve(self): """ Evolve the linear advection equation through one timestep. We only consider the "density" variable in the CellCenterData2d object that is part of the Simulation. """ dtdx = self.dt/self.cc_data.grid.dx dtdy = self.dt/self.cc_data.grid.dy flux_x, flux_y = flx.unsplit_fluxes(self.cc_data, self.rp, self.dt, "density", linear_interface) """ do the differencing for the fluxes now. Here, we use slices so we avoid slow loops in python. This is equivalent to:[i,j] =[i,j] + \ dtdx*(flux_x[i,j] - flux_x[i+1,j]) + \ dtdy*(flux_y[i,j] - flux_y[i,j+1]) """ dens = self.cc_data.get_var("density") dens.v()[:, :] = dens.v() + dtdx*(flux_x.v() - flux_x.ip(1)) + \ dtdy*(flux_y.v() - if self.particles is not None: myg = self.cc_data.grid u = self.rp.get_param("advection.u") v = self.rp.get_param("advection.v") u2d = myg.scratch_array() + u v2d = myg.scratch_array() + v self.particles.update_particles(self.dt, u2d, v2d) # increment the time self.cc_data.t += self.dt self.n += 1
[docs] def dovis(self): """ Do runtime visualization. """ plt.clf() dens = self.cc_data.get_var("density") myg = self.cc_data.grid _, axes, _ = plot_tools.setup_axes(myg, 1) # plot density ax = axes[0] img = ax.imshow(np.transpose(dens.v()), interpolation="nearest", origin="lower", extent=[myg.xmin, myg.xmax, myg.ymin, myg.ymax], ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") # needed for PDF rendering cb = axes.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(img) cb.formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FormatStrFormatter("") cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) cb.solids.set_edgecolor("face") plt.title("density") if self.particles is not None: particle_positions = self.particles.get_positions() # dye particles colors = self.particles.get_init_positions()[:, 0] # plot particles ax.scatter(particle_positions[:, 0], particle_positions[:, 1], c=colors, cmap="Greys") ax.set_xlim([myg.xmin, myg.xmax]) ax.set_ylim([myg.ymin, myg.ymax]) plt.figtext(0.05, 0.0125, f"t = {self.cc_data.t:10.5f}") plt.pause(0.001) plt.draw()