Setting up pyro =============== You can clone pyro from github: ` `_ The following python packages are required: * ``numpy`` * ``matplotlib`` * ``numba`` * ``h5py`` * ``pytest`` (for unit tests) The easiest way to install python is via PyPI using pip: .. prompt:: bash pip install pyro-hydro Alternately, you can install from source. From the ``pyro2/`` directory, we do: .. prompt:: bash pip install . This will put the main driver, ````, in your path, and allow you to run pyro from anywhere. If you intend on directly developing the solvers, you can instead do: .. prompt:: bash pip install -e . This will allow you to modify the python source without having to reinstall each time something changes. Quick test ---------- Run the advection solver to quickly test if things are setup correctly: .. prompt:: bash advection smooth inputs.smooth You should see a plot window pop up with a smooth pulse advecting diagonally through the periodic domain.